
来源 :法学探索.贵州省政法管理干部学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huangmajun
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所谓行政合同,是指行政机关,法律授权的组织和行政机关委托的组织作为一方主体,与公民,法人或者其他组织,为实现行政目的而订立的一种协议。 行政合同是行政机关实施的一种具有单方性质的行政行为,理由在于: 首先,虽然行政合同的法律关系的主体是双方的,即行政主体和行政管理相对人,但二者是管理者与被管理者,命令者与服从者的关系,他们的法律地位是不平等的。行政主体决定同某行政管理相对人订立行政合同,是在行使行政管理权。在众多的行政管理方式中,行政合同仅仅是行政管理主体为完成行政职能,实现行政管理目标的一种方式。行政管理相对人只能接受行政主体订立行政合同的要求,无权拒绝,也无权改变行政合同内容。这是行政权和行政行为特性的具体体现。 The so-called administrative contract refers to an agreement concluded by administrative agencies, organizations authorized by law and organizations entrusted by administrative agencies as the main body of a party, and citizens, legal persons or other organizations for the purpose of administration. Administrative contract is an unilateral administrative act carried out by administrative organs for the following reasons: Firstly, although the main body of the legal relationship of administrative contract is both parties, namely, the main body of administration and the counterpart of administrative management, The relationship between the manager, the command and the obedient, their legal status is not equal. The decision of the administrative body to conclude an administrative contract with an opposing party in administrative management is to exercise administrative power. Among the many ways of administration, the administrative contract is only a way for the main body of administrative management to accomplish the administrative functions and realize the objectives of administrative management. The counterpart of administrative management can only accept the request that the administrative body make the administrative contract, and has no right to refuse or change the content of the administrative contract. This is a concrete manifestation of the characteristics of executive power and administrative behavior.
文中介绍通信卫星天线系统石墨/环氧支撑结构的研制技术。该研究成果已多次应用于实际产品中,取得令人满意的结果。 This article describes the communications satellite
在今年的巴黎航展上,美国莱特兄弟研究院航宇工程部的教授兼主任马克·本扎肯(Mike Benzakein)谈到了他对下一个百年航空工业发展以及技术挑战的看法。他认为,“环境”将是