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阿拉伯国有矿产公司日前宣布 ,沙特北部发了一个地下储量约 4亿t、地表面积为 18km2 居世界首位的优质磷酸盐矿床。该公司负责人说 ,矿区地层结构易于开采 ,而且储量丰富 ,预计可建年产 45 0万t的磷矿 ;这个数字占目前沙特年产 112 0万t磷酸盐总量的 32 .5 %。照这个产量 A state-owned mineral company in the Arab States announced recently that it has issued a world-class high-quality phosphate deposit with an underground reserve of about 400 million tons and a surface area of ​​18 km2 in the northern part of the country. The company official said that the strata structure in the mining area is easy to mine and abundant in reserves. It is estimated that an annual 4.5 million tons of phosphate rock can be built; this figure accounts for 32.5% of the current total annual output of 11,200,000 tons of phosphate in Saudi Arabia. According to this production
庾晋 ,周洁 .管窥地球 :在地球心脏上打个洞 .石油地球物理勘探 ,2 0 0 1,36 (5 ) :6 4 6~ 6 4 9 Wang Jin, Zhou Jie. Glimpses of the Earth: Making a hole in the heart
This note reports the SHRIMP U-Pb data of zircons from the Caledonian Xiongdian eclogite, western Dabie Mountains. Zircons from the rock occur mainly in garnet
A comprehensive analysis of the fauna indicates that three vertebrate assemblage zones existed in the Upper Permian of China. Among them the Dashankou lower tet
根据《亚太金属加工设备新闻》杂志报道,亚洲机床供需格局的持续变化将对日本在亚洲的四个竞争对手(中国大陆、印度、台湾和韩国)有利,日本的主导地位将受到挑战。 Accordi
非常规裂缝模式下的窜流函数是进行裂缝油藏精细数值模拟所必需的。该文从最基本的裂缝系统几何性出发 ,利用解析技术 ,提出了建立非常规裂缝系统中非均质和分形两种裂缝几何
幼儿先天性双侧扳机拇临床上少见,近 11年我院手术治疗 6例,经随访疗效满意,现就其临床特点和手术方法作一探讨。 1临床资料   本组男 2例,女 4例,年龄 14个月~ 27个月,家长代诉自