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以大聚藻断枝为试材,研究了在正向扦插、反向扦插、水平放置3种不同扦插方式下,大聚藻断枝、侧枝生长的生物学规律,以期为大聚藻无性繁殖技术提供数据支持及理论依据,并为科学制定大聚藻管理措施提供一定的参考依据。结果表明:反向扦插处理的断枝最早形成克隆分株,且形成的克隆分株最多,该处理断枝不发生伸长生长,但地上茎变粗;正向扦插处理的断枝形成的克隆分株数与水平放置处理相近,产生的克隆分株生物量与反向扦插处理相近,该处理断枝茎段继续伸长生长,地上茎变粗,地下茎则变细;水平放置处理的断枝形成的克隆分株生物量最大,并产生大量二级克隆分株,该处理断枝茎段也继续伸长生长,并变粗;反向扦插能形成最多的克隆分株,水平放置能形成更优势的克隆分株,二者更有利于分株繁殖。 The experiment was conducted to study the biological rules of the growth of branches and branches of macrophytes under the conditions of forward cutting, reverse cutting and horizontal placement. Technology to provide data support and theoretical basis, and to provide scientific reference for the development of algae management measures. The results showed that the cloned ramets were the first to be formed by reverse cutting, and the most clonal ramets were formed. The treatment did not elongate but the shoots grew thick. The clones The number of strains was similar to that of horizontal placement, and the biomass of clonal ramet produced was similar to that of reverse cutting. The branches of the treatment continued to grow and grow, the shoots became thick and the rhizomes became thinner. The cloned branches The ramets had the largest biomass and produced a large number of second grade clonal ramets, which also continued to grow and thicken, and the reverse cuttage could form the most clonal ramets and lay more horizontal clones Ramets, the two are more conducive to ramets breeding.
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The temperature characteristics of near infrared surface plasmon resonance(SPR) sensors with Kretschmann configuration are studied theoretically and experimenta
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