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5.1 前言水是多种学科研究的对象,由于各种学科的专家们参与这种研究,所以有时对同一个现象其用语不同。所以,首先弄清楚本章中所使用的用语的含义。浸润(infiltration)表示水穿过土壤表面向土壤中渗入的过程。在水文学中将这一过程称为渗透。在本文用土壤物理学领域里常用的浸润。向下渗透(percolation)是指浸润后的水,在土壤中向地下水面移动的过程。其中,浸润后的水在土壤中沿着倾斜面侧向移动时,这个过程称为侧向渗透,然而,将土壤定为地下水面与地面之间的部分,它所含的水称之为土壤水。相应地把地下水面以下的水称为地下水。而且,地下水面以上的部分称为土壤水带;其以下部分称为地下水带。地下水带的水流就是地下水流。 5.1 Introduction Water is the object of many kinds of disciplines. Since experts of various disciplines are involved in this kind of research, they sometimes differ in terms of the same phenomenon. So, first of all, clarify the meaning of the terms used in this chapter. Infiltration refers to the process by which water penetrates the soil through the surface of the soil. In hydrology this process is called infiltration. In this paper, the field of soil physics commonly used infiltration. Percolation refers to the process of infiltration of water, moving in the soil to the groundwater surface. In this case, the infiltrated water moves laterally along the inclined plane in the soil. This process is called lateral infiltration. However, the soil is defined as the part between the groundwater level and the ground, and the water it contains is called soil water. Correspondingly, the water below the surface of the ground is called groundwater. Moreover, the part above the groundwater level is called the soil water zone; the following part is called the groundwater zone. Groundwater flow is the groundwater flow.
It has been the habit of most geologists to speak of an earth-movement in some special regional term which, as a rule, primarily refers to the trend of the res
2008 北京奥运会, 对全球华人而言, 此举绝非一次普通的世界体育盛会, 它预示了一个极为深远的意义: 一个具有5000 年历史的古老民族, 如何在100 年的时间里, 承受了无数的痛苦、付出了莫大的代价、依靠顽强的毅力拼命努力, 终于从一个固步自封的落后国家奋起直追成长为一个后来居上的现代化国家。中华民族为之拼搏百年的努力终于在此时此刻获得了世界的认可。      2008 北京奥运会, 对全
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