经营实现集约化 成果实现产业化——武汉邮电科学研究院走出一条开门办院的新路

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邮电部武汉邮电科学研究院深化改革,不断进取,坚持以市场为导向,以研究为基础,集科研、开发、生产、经营、培训和服务为一体,实现了经营管理集约化、成果产业化,先后承担国家各类重点工程项目和省级项目3000多项,1995的收入达6亿多元,在科技体制改革中走出了一条开门办院的新路。 武汉邮电科学研究院1974年建院,现有职工1600余人,其中专业技术人员1200余人,主要从事光纤通信系统技术的研究与开发及光电端机、光纤光缆、光电器件、光源器件、光通信仪表和光缆专用设备等的研究和生产。他们以成果转化率和社会经济效益为衡量标准,改革内部结构和管理制度,努力创建科技成果转化运行新机制。从1988年到1993年,他们进行过两次内部大调整,将过去9个单一型的研究单位调整为4个科技、生产型实体企业。每个实体企业均按照科技先导型高技术企业模式运营,4个企业4条生产线,每 The Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, Wuhan Institute of Posts and Telecommunications deepen reform, keep making progress, adhere to the market-oriented, research-based, scientific research, development, production, management, training and services as a whole, to achieve the intensive management, industrialization of results, It has successively undertaken more than 3,000 national key projects and provincial projects. In 1995, its revenue reached over 600 million yuan, and a new road opened its doors in the scientific and technological system reform. Wuhan Institute of Posts and Telecommunications Institute was founded in 1974, more than 1,600 employees, of whom more than 1,200 professional and technical personnel, mainly engaged in optical fiber communication system technology research and development and optical terminals, optical fiber and cable, optoelectronic devices, light source devices, optical communications instrumentation And cable equipment and other research and production. Based on the outcome conversion rate and social economic benefit, they reform the internal structure and management system and strive to create a new operation mechanism for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements. From 1988 to 1993, they conducted two major internal adjustments and adjusted the past nine single-type research units to four science and technology and manufacturing entities. Each entity enterprises are operating in accordance with the pilot model of high-tech enterprises, four companies four production lines, each
抖动测量仪是对录音机、电唱机、电影机、录像机等设备进行抖动测量的专用仪表。为确保收、录、放机的质量,抖动校准是一个重要的技术指标。通过对 DD3型抖动测量仪与 BE3型
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1.引言近年来,人们正致力于各种目标受固体或液体冲击的响应的研究,如用亚音速导弹冲击金属和钢筋混凝土目标(Barr et a1 1980,Neilson 1980),测量钢板由于受到剧烈液流的冲
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