Pollen Grain Germination and Pollen Tube Growth in Pistil of Rice

来源 :Rice Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nqqlove
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The germination of pollen grain in vitro and the growth of pollen tube in the pistil of rice were observed with a microscope. The stigma was removed at different time points after pollination to study its effect on seed setting rate. The rice pollen grain started to germinate at 2 min after pollination and the pollen tube penetrated stigma into style in 5–10 min, 30 min later the end of pollen tube reached the bottom of ovary, and only some pollen tubes arrived at embryo sac at 40 min after pollination. Meanwhile, a small amount of callose began to deposit in the pollen tubes, a great deal of callose was observed at 50 min after pollination, whereas the pollen grain began to shrink. The growing rates of pollen tube in the rice stigma, style and ovary were 1500, 5000, and 5400 μm/h, respectively. The seed setting rate was quite low when the stigma was removed at about 10–15 min after pollination, gradually increased when it removed at 20 min to 50 min after pollination, and over 60% when it removed at 50 min after pollination and finally tended to be stable. The germination of pollen grain in vitro and the growth of pollen tube in the pistil of rice were observed with a microscope. The stigma was removed at different time points after pollination to study its effect on seed setting rate. The rice pollen grain started to germinate at 2 min after pollination and the pollen tube penetrated stigma into style in 5-10 min, 30 min later the end of pollen tube reached the bottom of ovary, and only some pollen tubes arrived at embryo sac at 40 min after pollination. Meanwhile, a small amount of callose began to deposit in the pollen tubes, a great deal of callose was observed at 50 min after pollination, and the pollen grain began to shrink. The growing rates of pollen tube in the rice stigma, style and ovary were 1500 , 5000, and 5400 μm / h, respectively. The seed setting rate was quite low when the stigma was removed at about 10-15 min after pollination, gradually increased when it removed at 20 min to 50 min after pollination, and over 60 % when it removed at 50 min after pollination and finally tended to be stable.
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