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马尔克斯·吕沛兹(Markus LüDertz)的作品抗拒任何使自己局限于某个艺术范畴以至于缩小实际内涵的概括,强调突出特殊主题的中心、形式上的反复,或者独特的图像和新奇的删减,这些在他的作品中屡见不鲜。以那些时间跨度近50年的绘画作品为例:我们首先可以看到马尔克斯·吕沛兹富于表现力的自发性和图像象征的复杂性,这使得作品中象征它们之间某种相关性的诗人般的神话特质变得蒙眬而晦涩。然而,马尔克斯,吕沛兹作品中任意一类个别的视角都表明他是一个执拗而自由、不受艺术形式和类型制约的艺术家。 Markus LüDertz’s works resist any generalizations that limit themselves to a particular art category and narrow the meaning of reality, emphasizing centers of special themes, formal repetitions, or unique images and novelty Cut, these are not uncommon in his work. Take those paintings spanning nearly 50 years as an example: We can first of all see the expressive spontaneity and the complexity of the imagery of Marquez-Lyubiès, which makes the work a symbol of some kind of correlation between them Sexual poet-like mythological traits become obscure and obscure. However, any particular type of perspective in Marquez, Lépère’s work suggests that he is a stubborn, free, artistically free-form artist.