Enhanced photo-catalytic activity of the composite of TiO_2 and conjugated derivative of polyvinyl a

来源 :Journal of Energy Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:erdanws
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A novel visible light active photo-catalyst named CHC/C-PVA/TiO_2, the composite of titanium dioxide(TiO_2)with conjugated derivative of polyvinyl alcohol(C-PVA) loaded on a cordierite honeycomb ceramic(CHC)substrate, was fabricated by combining the synthesis of TiO_2 sol, preparation of C-PVA via thermally treating polyvinyl alcohol, and immobilization of TiO_2 sol and C-PVA on CHC. By detecting the change of UV–vis absorption spectra of the model organic pollutant(methyl orange(MO)) in the presence of the composite under visible light irradiation, the photo-catalytic activity was evaluated and the results show that the CHC/C-PVA/TiO_2 composite has an enhanced photo-catalytic activity when compared to the CHC/TiO_2 composite. Besides, the CHC/C-PVA/TiO_2 shows a good photo-catalytic stability after the fourth cycles. The structure analyses by scanning electron microscope(SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy(EDS) show the coexistence of C-PVA and TiO_2 on the CHC and the cracks on the surface of CHC/C-PVA/TiO_2. Result of ultraviolet-visible diffuse reflection spectroscopy(UV–vis DRS) reveals that the CHC/C-PVA/TiO_2 can absorb both ultraviolet and visible light while result of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS) indicates the existence of C, O and Ti elements in the CHC/C-PVA/TiO_2. The typical structures as well as the optical characteristics of the CHC/C-PVA/TiO_2 are responsible for the enhancement in the photo-catalytic activity. A novel visible light active photo-catalyst named CHC / C-PVA / TiO_2, the composite of titanium dioxide (TiO_2) with conjugated derivative of polyvinyl alcohol (C-PVA) loaded on a cordierite honeycomb ceramic combining the synthesis of TiO 2 sol, preparation of C-PVA via isothermal treating polyvinyl alcohol, and immobilization of TiO 2 sol and C-PVA on CHC. By detecting the change of UV-vis absorption spectra of the model organic pollutant (methyl orange (MO )) in the presence of the composite under visible light irradiation, the photo-catalytic activity was evaluated and the results show that the CHC / C-PVA / TiO 2 composite has an enhanced photo-catalytic activity when compared to the CHC / TiO 2 composite. The structure analyzes by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) show the coexistence of C-PVA and TiO_2 on the CHC and the cr Results of ultraviolet-visible diffuse reflection spectroscopy (UV-vis DRS) reveals that the CHC / C-PVA / TiO_2 can absorb both ultraviolet and visible light while result of X-ray The typical structures as well as the optical characteristics of the CHC / C-PVA / TiO 2 are responsible for the enhancement in the CHC / C-PVA / TiO 2. photo-catalytic activity.
目的 :观察中医对儿童过敏性紫癜的治疗效果并探究其进展过程。方法 :选择到我院就诊的60例患儿,随机分成对照组及研究组,各30例。对照组采用西药的常规治疗方法,研究组采用
糖尿病大鼠胃肠运动功能紊乱与β_2-AR和5-HTR表达的实验研究 Experimental Study on Disturbance of Gastrointestinal Motility and Expression of β_2-AR and 5-HTR in
镇静目的  镇静在儿科诊断和治疗中的目的:  1、保证患儿的安全和健康;  2、使身体不适和疼痛最小化;  3、控制焦虑,使心理性创伤最小化,并使潜在的遗忘最大化;  4、控制行为和(或)运动使操作安全完成;  5、使患儿达到公认的标准(见附录1),从而可以安全撤除医疗监护。  附录1 推荐的撤离标准  1、心血管功能和呼吸道通畅令人满意并能保持稳定;  2、患儿容易唤醒,保护性气道反射完整;