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我国是一个农业大国,基础教育的重点在农村,而初中教育是农村教育工作的重点,也是普及九年制义务教育的关键所在。目前,农村初中仍有20%~40%的毕业生直接走向社会,参与农村经济建设。但由于种种原因,农村初中教育始终没能跳出“应试教育”的怪圈,忽视了要为“农村输送大批合格的劳动者”的需要。因此,农村初中教育的课程设置和教材进行适当调整,很有必要。初中毕业生从现有的课程中学到的书本知识远远适应不了当前农业生产发展的要求,因而在初中课程中增设有关农、林、牧等方面的课程,向他们传授一些农业科技知识,使他们初中毕业回乡务农有用武之地。目前,可以从以下两方面着手: Our country is a big agricultural country, and the basic education focuses on rural areas. However, junior middle school education is the focus of rural education and the key to universal nine-year compulsory education. At present, 20% to 40% of rural junior middle school graduates still go directly to the society and participate in the rural economic construction. However, due to various reasons, the education of junior middle school in rural areas has failed to jump out of the vicious circle of “examination-oriented education” and neglected the need to deliver a large number of qualified laborers in rural areas. Therefore, it is necessary to make appropriate adjustments to the curricula and teaching materials of junior high school education in rural areas. Junior high school graduates learn from the existing curriculum book knowledge far from the current requirements of the development of agricultural production, and thus added to the junior high school courses in agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and other aspects of the course, to teach them some agricultural science and technology knowledge, so that They graduated from junior high school to farm work. At present, we can start from the following two aspects:
颈椎椎间盘退行性改变及其所引起的临床症状,称为颈椎病;中风(又称卒中)则指急性脑血管病,如短暂性脑缺血发作、脑血栓、脑梗塞、脑出血等。这两种病,一个属骨科范畴,一个系神经内科病种,看似相距甚远,而在临床工作中,不乏因颈椎病引起中风的患者。  “颈椎病可引起中风”目前已得到了医学界的公认,这是由于颈椎的解剖、生理和病理特点所决定的。首先,大脑血液通过两侧颈内动脉及椎动脉供应,患颈椎病后,颈部肌肉和韧
北京全国会演获一等奖记得会演的那天,台下坐着的评委中,就有德高望重的“通天教主”京剧前辈王瑶卿老先生和梅兰芳、周信芳、程砚秋、荀慧生、尚小 Beijing will win the f