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文登县和全国各地一样,在党的社会主义建设总路线的光辉照耀下,遵照国家档案局、省委、地委屡次指示,认真贯彻执行了“以利用工作为纲”的档案工作方针,围绕中心,服务生产,大力开展了档案资料的利用工作,初步取得了一定的成绩,摸到了一些经验,为今后开展档案资料利用工作,找到了一些门路。过去杂乱无章现在井井有条在这不平凡的一九五八年里,随着工农业生产的大跃进,我县的档案工作也出现了大跃进的局面。这主要表现在清理了建国以来文登、昆嵛两县合并后的积存文件八十余万份,立成八千三百多卷,收集了革命历史档案资料;建立了县档案舘和二十七个档案室,壮大与巩固了档案队伍(专职五人,兼职一三二人),开始改变了我县的档案工作面貌,为今后开展经常工作打下了基础。自去年九月份建舘以来,经过半年多的努力工作,已将县委、县人委两个全宗共五千三百余卷,进行了系统的 Wen Deng County, like all other parts of the country, conscientiously implemented the archival work guideline of “taking employment as the key link” and guided by the State Archives Bureau, the provincial party committee and the prefectural committees, under the brilliant shining of the general line of the party’s socialist construction. Around the center , Service production, vigorously carried out the use of archives data, initially made some achievements, touched some experience, for the future use of archives data to find some way. In the past, disorder and disorder are now in perfect order In this extraordinary 1958, with the great leap forward in industrial and agricultural production, the county’s archives work also experienced a great leap forward. This is mainly manifested in the clean-up of more than 800,000 documents accumulated since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in Wendeng and Kunming counties and the collection of over 8,300 volumes of historical archives; the establishment of the county archives and 27 Archives, to expand and consolidate the file team (full-time five, part-time one two two), began to change the profile of my county work for the future to carry out regular work laid the foundation. Since the establishment of the museum in September last year, after more than six months of hard work, the county party committee and county people’s committee have set up a total of 5,300 volumes in total,
20 0 1年 8月 5日~ 7日 ,由北京师范大学文艺学研究中心和北京师范大学中文系主办 ,中国中外文艺理论学会、清华大学外文系、南京师范大学文学院、山东师范大学中文系协办的“
肝豆状核变性(Wilson disease,WD),是常染色体隐性遗传的铜代谢障碍疾病,特征是铜蓝蛋白合成不足以及胆道排铜障碍,临床特点是好发于青少年、肝硬化、脑部尤其是基底节变性、角膜K-F环、肾损坏等。
Bickerstaff’ s brainstem encephalitis (BBE), Miller Fisher syndrome (MFS) an d Guillain- Barré syndrome (GBS) are thought to be closely related and to for m a
前不久,一些报刊刊载了审判日本战犯的事实经过,本文将向广大读者披露南京惩治汉奸的前前后后。 为争地盘,国民党政府给汉奸加官进爵 1945年8月15日,日本宣布无条件投降。饱