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2002年1月26日,中国证监会规划委在证监会互联网站发布了由一家证券研究机构汇集整理的国有股减持方案阶段性成果,证券市场以暴跌的形式对此给予了否定。 1月28日中国证监会规划委又在中国证监会网站上公布“中国证监会规划委关于国有股减持方案的说明”。原文讲到:继续向社会各方征求意见后,收到一些咨询意见。其中,有的对方案提出了建设性意见,也有的对方案的有关内容存有疑虑,还有的提出了不同意见。所有这些建议,对方案的进一步论证都是有益的。 这个说明就大家关心的几个问题做了如下解释:(一)方案里的折让配售方案是一个供社会各方讨论的阶段性成果,也是一个讨论方案,还要继续在讨论中吸收社会各方意见,不断补充完善;(二)国有股减持其它类方案,目前已在汇总整理之中,欢迎社会各方继续献计献策;(三)有关方面在制定国有股减持方案时,将充分听取社会各方意见和反映,以实现多赢为目标,注重保护广大投资者利益,取得多数流通股股东的支持,在方案成熟时稳步实施,使市场在稳定中发展。 On January 26, 2002, the Planning Commission of China Securities Regulatory Commission released the stage results of the state-owned shares reduction plan compiled by a securities research institution on the CSRC Internet website, and the securities market denied this in the form of a plunge. January 28 China Securities Regulatory Commission Planning Commission again in the China Securities Regulatory Commission website published “China Securities Regulatory Commission Planning Commission on state-owned shares reduction plan.” The original article said: After continuing to solicit opinions from all sectors of society, I received some advice. Some of them put forward constructive suggestions on the proposals, others have doubts about the contents of the proposals, others have different opinions. All of these suggestions and further demonstration of the program are helpful. This note provides the following explanations on several issues of concern to all: (1) The discount in the plan The placing plan is a phased result for discussion by all sectors of society and a discussion program. It should also continue to absorb all (2) The reduction of state-owned shares in other types of programs has now been summarized and arranged, and all parties in society are welcome to continue offering ideas and suggestions; (3) The relevant parties will fully listen to the community when formulating plans to reduce state-owned shares; The views and responses of all parties, with the goal of achieving win-win, focus on protecting the interests of investors and obtaining the support of the majority of holders of tradable shares, are steadily implemented when the plan is mature, and the market is developing steadily.
.仙人掌有何特性 仙人掌除了含有许多营养成分和矿物质外还包含10000多种植物营养素橘子中只含有100多种植物营养素而植物营养素是目前科学家正在潜心研究认为其效力将远