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翻看哈灵顿的经历,就会发现这个人注定和印第安纳波利斯这座城市有解不开的缘分。两年前,为了寻找更广阔的天空,他选择了离开。外面的世界很精彩,但是外面的世界也很无奈。亚特兰大,那里有一个以鹰作为图腾的球队,既然要飞,就飞得高些吧。与鹰共舞,老鹰队给了哈灵顿精彩。在这里,他得到了许多在步行者无法得到的梦想。可是他也很无奈,在寻觅梦想的过程中,这只病弱的老鹰让他在奋飞中迷茫,他离真正的梦想——光荣,冠军甚至真正的赛季越来越远。离别从来不是一件困难的事情,既然倦了,那就走吧。哈灵顿再次启程,寻找新的落点。兜兜转转,他的目光又锁回到印第安纳。这里有曾经和现在的兄弟,这里有熟悉的街道,球馆。这里需要他,这里已经可以给他奋飞的空间。看起来没什么好犹豫的了,还是回来吧。哈灵顿就像一只寻觅温暖河流的大雁,不断起飞,离开,再回来,但每次游荡都会有所收获,这不仅仅是运气。这更是一种发自本能的智慧。印第安纳波利斯就像一条北方的河流,冬天到了,总会有人离去,但也会有人坚守;春暖花开,该回来的也会回来。冷暖之间,决定的不是天气,而是自己的感觉。对于哈灵顿的轮回来说,进,不意味决绝;退,也不代表失败。进退之间,取舍之间,睿智尽显。 Look at the experience of Harrington, you will find this man destined to Indianapolis and the city have untold fate. Two years ago, in search of a broader sky, he chose to leave. The outside world is very exciting, but the outside world is very helpless. Atlanta, where there is a team that uses eagles as totems, fly higher as they fly. Dance with the eagles, the Hawks gave Harrington wonderful. Here, he got many dreams that walkers could not get. But he was also very helpless, looking for the dream process, the sick eagle let him confused in the excitement, he is away from the real dream - glorious, championship and even the real season farther and farther. Parting is never a difficult thing, and if tired, let’s go. Harrington left again to find a new landing spot. Flipping around, his gaze locked back to Indiana. There are brothers who have been here and now, there are familiar streets, the arena. He needs him here, and he can already give him room to fly. Looks like nothing hesitant, or come back. Harrington is like a geese looking for a warm river, keep off, leave, come back, but every wander will be harvested, this is not just luck. This is more a kind of wisdom from instinct. Indianapolis is like a river in the north. When winter arrives, some people will leave, but others will stick to it. The spring flowers will come back as well. Between the well-being, the decision is not the weather, but their own feelings. For Harrington’s reincarnation, entering, does not mean deciding; retreat, does not mean failure. Between advance and retreat, the choice between wisdom wise.
1958年承德幅1:100万区域地质測量队在河北北部、內蒙南部进行区域地質測量时,发现了七部古生代海相沉积地层: 分布于廂黃旗东部的西查布南山、康保县北部的三面井、白旂南
(工作部分),模体可继续使用,从而可节约热模钢。 (Working part), mold body can continue to use, which can save hot die steel.
过去,我厂在铸造镁合金时,熔化洗涤用的光卤石熔剂,一直是沿用苏修外热式电阻炉。由于受熔剂的浸蚀,坩埚使用 In the past, I plant in the casting of magnesium alloy, m