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  The attractive couple, Ji Lingchen and Kan Qingzi, has shown the perfect way that young men fall for① older women in the new reality show The Inn. One is always annoyed, and the other is willing to coax. And it has been a joy of the couple of Qing and Chen to have a lovers’ quarrel. Just as netizens said," If Kan Qingzi has one thousand reasons of angry, Ji Lingchen has ten thousand ways to coax her." Their quarrel is noisy yet natural, and that’s what ordinary love looks like. I must say that I ship them!

As Amy Hagadorn rounded the corner across the hall from her classroom, she collided with① a tall boy from the fifth grade running in the opposite direction. "Watch it, squirt." The boy yelled as he do
"Kathryn, Kathryn?" repeated the call, interrupting my thoughts.  I can feel the warm rays① of searing sun beating down on me. There is not one single fluffy cloud in the tranquil②, cornfl ower sky. B
Her fl ossy① hair cloudlike  With a jade hairpin② bright,  In the silk skirt so thin and so light,  Black she paints her brows of longing  eyes.  A night of autumn wind  With nonstop rain seems howl③,
Now watch this autumn that arrives in  smells.  All looks like summer still;  Colours are quite unchanged,  The air on green and white serenely  thrives①.  Heavy the trees with growth and full the  fi
You’d probably only write to the Queen if you had a very specific favour to ask.  At least, that was one young girl’s motivation for penning a letter to the current monarch .  Five-year-old Lyndsay Si
Vast river, falling leaves, eagles’ sorrowful cries,  Frost① dyes crimson② maples, all plants wither③.  Not knowing itself a dream, a butterfl y  Flits④ toward a cold twig in this autumn scene.  江空木落雁
A father was worried about his son, who was sixteen years old but had no courage at all. So the father decided to call on a Buddhist monk① to train his boy.  The Buddhist monk said to the boy’s father
If you really want to make a friend, go to someone’s house and eat with him…the people who give you their food give you their heart.  —Cesar Chavez  如果你想交朋友,就去他家吃顿饭……做饭给你吃的人同时也把心给了你。  It’s difficult t
Smiling gently, he sings songs with his warm and unique voice. He looks arrogant and indifferent, but in fact he is very warm and gentle. He is Yi Yangqianxi, who is the member of TFBOYS. As a shy and
The actor, who plays Jon Snow in the hit HBO series, popped the question to his on-and-off① screen love Rose Leslie.  The couple have been dating since meeting on set in 2012, when Rose played Wildlin