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学术评价与学术发展之间的互动虽然已成为事实,但是两者之间的和谐可以说尚不存在。解决这一问题较彻底的办法当然是让学术评价回归到学术领域。然而,我们也有必要本着学术评价与学术发展和谐的原则,对学术评价的要素构成、主体资格、内在标准和价值追求,进行一次基本理论层面的考察。学术评价的要素可以分为学术评价主体、学术评价客体,以及连接二者的学术评价活动。学术评价主体的资格,至少包含体现体制存在的权力因素和体现学术存在的能力因素。学术评价的内在标准主要有三个,即学术创造标准、学术规范标准和学术道德标准。关于学术评价的价值取向,目前的当务之急应该是重申学术的神圣,让有可能以学术评价为工具的人们,能以虔诚之心面对学者及其学术成果。 Although the interaction between academic evaluation and academic development has become a reality, the harmony between the two can not be said to exist. The more radical solution to this problem is, of course, to return academic evaluation to the academic field. However, it is also necessary for us to carry out a basic theoretical study on the elements of academic evaluation, main qualifications, internal standards and values ​​in line with the principle of harmony between academic evaluation and academic development. The elements of academic evaluation can be divided into the main body of academic evaluation, academic evaluation of the object, as well as the academic evaluation of the connection between the two activities. The qualifications of the subject of academic evaluation at least include the power factor that reflects the existence of the system and the ability factor that reflects the academic existence. There are three main internal criteria for academic evaluation, namely academic creation standard, academic standard standard and academic moral standard. As for the value orientation of academic evaluation, the most urgent task now should be to reiterate the sacredness of the academic, so that those who may use the academic evaluation as a tool may face the scholars and their academic achievements with a pious heart.
温总理在去年教师节前到北京35中,一口气听了5节课,并与教师座谈,交流听课的感受和体会。总理听的课有语文、数学、地理、音乐等。交流时给老师很多鼓励 During Premier Wen
小象生日那天,妈妈送给他四只新鞋子。新鞋子可漂亮啦!软软的布料,四周还镶着黑色的花边,穿在脚上又舒服,又暖和。小象一穿上新鞋子就高高兴兴地出门了。 Baby elephant bir