强化监督制约机制 管好用好信贷资产——农发行全国纪检、监察、稽核工作会议经验交流集锦

来源 :农业发展与金融 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:easyJMS
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抓“三项制度”落实上海市分行狠抓“三项制度”落实,强化监督制约机制,促进了我行的党风廉政建设。建行两年多来,全行干部职工认真贯彻执行各项廉政规定和制度,在当地金融系统和企业中享有较高的廉政声誉,为农发行争得了荣誉。截至1996年底,机关干部有32人次拒收礼品、礼金,折合人民币8430元,有108人次主动将礼品、礼金上交,折合人民币30600元;分行的业务招待费严格控制在总行规定的标准以内;处以上的干部收入申报严格按规定执行,在总行和市人行的检查中得到认可。主要做法:第一,抓思想教育,把各项廉政规定落到实处。在实践中,我们认真开展自查自纠。一是每年以书面问卷的方式举行一到两次的自查活动;二是每半年组织一次处级干部民主生活会,会上要对自己的廉政情况进行自查自纠,互相开展批评与自我批评;三是每年干部述职报告中,对自己的廉政情况和各项制度执行情况,要在报告中体现。第二,领导干部带头廉洁自律,树立 Grasp the “Three Systems” Implementing the “Three Systems” by Shanghai Branch, Implementing the Supervisory and Restriction Mechanism and Promoting the Construction of Party Conduct and Incorruptible Government in Our Bank. Over the past two years since its establishment, the staff and workers of the entire bank have conscientiously implemented all the provisions and systems of honest government and enjoyed a high reputation for integrity in the local financial system and enterprises, winning the honor for the Agricultural Development Bank. As of the end of 1996, there were 32 officers and officers rejecting gifts and gifts at a rate of 8,430 yuan, with 108 people taking the initiative to hand over gifts and gifts at a cost of 30,600 yuan. The business entertainment expenses of the branches were strictly controlled within the standards set by the head office. The above cadres income declaration in strict accordance with the provisions of the implementation of the inspection in the head office and the city line of people be recognized. The main approach: First, grasping ideological education, the various provisions of the integrity of the job. In practice, we conscientiously carry out self-examination and correction. One is to hold one or two self-examination activities in written questionnaires every year; the other is to organize the cadres’ democratic life meetings every six months; at the meeting, they should conduct self-examination and self-correction on one’s own integrity and carry out criticism and self-criticism with each other Criticism; Third, each cadre debriefing report, on their own clean government and the implementation of the system, to be reflected in the report. Second, leading cadres take the lead in establishing self-discipline and honesty