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1.世界集装箱航运业每年递增6—8%的速度已被集装箱船队载箱能力的增速所超出。世界干线上的集装箱化已接近饱和,但在一些支线上,例如:中国航线上的集装箱化进程仍在进行下去。许多条集装箱航线上的持续运力过剩,压低了运价,也激化了竞争。那怕是在运力较紧的一些航线上,运价仍旧疲软。 2.集装箱航线上,方向性的运载不平衡现象加剧,空箱回空问题比较突出。 3.极大多数集装箱航线上的经营利润持续很低,近来稍有改善,但集装箱陆上货运业却获利颇丰。 4.集装箱航线的运价今后增加有限已逐渐成为人们的共识,因此出路在降低每个集装箱的运输单位成本。如:引入越来越大的集装箱船舶,以求降低集装箱运输单位成本。航速22—24节,4000箱位以上的超巴拿马型集装箱船舶成为跨太平洋和亚欧干线上配置的标准船型,而6000箱位的集装箱船舶也已在筹建中。竞争与合作并存,形成多家轮船公司合作经营的伙伴关系,使得这些大型集装箱船能够满载航行,并能在干线运输上提供有竞争力的航班间隔。 5.集装箱干支航线协调发展。把枢纽港(hub)和支线港(spoke port)组织成有序运输的概念逐渐深入人心。只有这样才能使干线大船满载航行,因干线大船无法一一挂靠支线港。建立长期稳定的环球经营联盟,不再是仅在某条航线上划定经 1. The annual rate of increase of 6-8% of the world's container shipping industry has been exceeded by the growth rate of container fleet carrying capacity. Containerization on the world's main lines is nearing saturation, but on some of the spur lines, for example: the containerization process on the China route is still going on. Continued overcapacity on many container shipping routes has depressed freight rates and intensified competition. Even in some tight routes on the route, the freight rate is still weak. 2 container routes, the direction of the imbalance in the phenomenon of transport, empty tank emptied more prominent problem. 3. The operating profit on the vast majority of container shipping routes continued to be very low and has improved slightly recently. However, the container land-based freight transport industry has made substantial profits. 4. The limited increase in the freight rate of container shipping lines has gradually become the consensus of people, so the way out is to reduce the cost of shipping units per container. Such as: the introduction of larger and larger container ships, in order to reduce the cost of container transport units. At speeds of 22-24 knots, over 4,000 Panamax container ships became the standard ships deployed across the Pacific and Asia-Europe trunk lines, and 6,000 container ships were also under construction. The coexistence of competition and cooperation has led to the formation of a partnership operated by a number of shipping companies, enabling these large container ships to be fully loaded with voyages and to provide competitive flight intervals on trunk transport. 5. Container dry-line routes coordinated development. The concept of organizing hubs and spoke ports into orderly transport has gradually gained ground. Only in this way can make the full shipping line sailing, because the main line can not be anchored by the main line port. Establishing a long-term, stable global alliance will no longer be a mere delineation of routes
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单元式管理经验告诉我们,组织变革也是企业降本增效的重要途径,这对于那些在金融危机的漩涡中苦苦挣扎的企业是一个启示。 Cell management tells us that organizational c
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