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我省是全国重要的产粮基地,病、虫、草、鼠等有害生物的影响直接关系到粮食产量的丰歉。近年来,我省由于推广抗性品种和病虫综合防治配套技术后,提高了粮食生产的抗灾能力,取得了较好的收成,同时又降低了生产成本,减少了农药用量,保护天敌,改善了坏境质量。但是,我省质保工作面临的任务仍然是十分艰巨 The province is an important grain-producing base in the country. The impact of pests such as diseases, insects, grasses and mice is directly related to the apology of grain output. In recent years, due to the promotion of supporting technologies for resistant varieties and integrated pest and disease control in our province, the disaster-relief capability of grain production has been enhanced and good harvests have been achieved. At the same time, the cost of production has been reduced, the amount of pesticides has been reduced, the natural enemies have been protected, Bad environment quality. However, the task facing our quality assurance work is still very arduous
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将甜菜栽培品种 Monosvalof 的秧苗栽植在可以自然感染多粘菌(Polymyxa be-tae)的土壤条件下,秧苗栽植前用 Tricho-derma SP.接种,结果,所测定的17个 Trich- Seedlings of
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认清形势 加大财税改革力度南江县副县长何长洋改革开放以来,特别是财政实行“分灶吃饭”以来,我县始终把“培植财源.振兴财政”作为经济工作的主旋律、上下一心思财政,齐心协力
US-Based公司的DNAP(DNAplant Technology)把几丁质酶的表达基因移入收获作物中获得了专利保护。DNAP通过破坏侵袭水果和蔬菜的病菌中的几丁质,以期防止收获后的腐烂。迄今
夏秋季节雨水多,湿度大,虫口密度高,此间使用农药既要注重效果,又要防止人体中毒。因此,在雨季喷施农药时,应注意下面几点: 1.选用内吸性农药。乐果、磷胺、多菌灵、托布律