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《中国时报》于一九七八年创办了第一届〖广告设计奖〗,当时仅收平面类作品,一九八零年,〖广告设计奖〗正式更名为〖时报广告金像奖〗。一九八八年增设电视广告类,参赛项目亦扩大为十项。一九九零年,《中国时报》创刊四十周年,为让“时报广告金像奖”活动走向国际化,第十三届金像奖增加了与国际广告界交流的〖亚太广告特别奖〗,参加对象包括香港、大陆、新加坡、印尼、马来西亚等亚太地区,这也是两岸广告界第一次正式的交流。 China Times founded the first Advertising Design Award in 1978. At that time, it only received flat works. In 1980, the Advertising Design Award was officially changed to the Times Advertising Awards. TV commercials were added in 1988 with a further 10 entries. In 1990, the 40th Anniversary of China Times started its publication. In order to internationalize the “Times Advertising Awards”, the 13th Hong Kong International Awards added “Asia-Pacific Advertising Specials Award, ”including Hong Kong, mainland China, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia and other Asia-Pacific regions, which is the first formal exchange of advertisements across the Taiwan Strait.
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2004年3月,首届“山东十大杰出职工”评选活动落下帷幕,来自胜利油田胜采机械制修厂高级工人技师陈景世榜上有名。 这位从黄河口走出来的普通石油工人,曾先后三次受到胡锦涛
As a literary thought and aesthetic ideal that influenced Chinese literature in the20th century,classicism experienced a complex modern fate of ups and downs,in
In this study, a full-color emission red–green–blue(RGB) quantum-dot(QD)-based micro-light-emitting-diode(micro-LED) array with the reduced optical cross-talk
In this study,beetle communities in Jiuzhaigou,Xiaozhaizigou,Caopo,Ma’anshan and Baihe nature reserves of Sichuan Province were compared and analyzed. F index,
2003年12月28日,本刊副社长杨欣、编辑部主任杨光应中央电视台之邀.作为特邀嘉宾出席了当晚在北京饭店举行的“CCTV 中国经济年度人物颁奖典礼”。在录制现场,我们以一种媒