British Steel Corp and Nottingham University used a 40-ton slag / hour unit to study the new technology of dry granulation and sensible heat recovery of liquid blast furnace slag. Granulation of liquid slag by rotary drum and air atomizer was confirmed. Then, Make it cool in the air can make the slag glassy structure. Figure 1 is a liquid slag dry granulation and sensible heat recovery unit. The liquid slag passes through the closed gutter directly into the rotating drum and the air atomizer installed in the center of the sensible heat recovery unit. During the granulation process, the slag particles scatter radially outward and spray upward slightly, hitting the four walls of the device. Since the four walls of the unit are water-cooled, the slag particles will not stick to the wall and may fall directly into the primary fluidized bed. Slag particles in a fluidized bed rapidly cooled to the glassy state by the crystallization temperature