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对艺术品的收藏与投资有多种角度与方式:有的收藏书画、油画,有的收藏近现代、当代的。有收藏传统的,也有收藏前卫的,但无论收藏哪一种,任何人都想以最合适的价格获得最好、最有价值的作品。 中国的艺术市场经过几年狂飙突进式的发展,目前进入了一个相对平静的整合期,一些问题也就凸现出来,急待解决。比如作品的真伪问题,价格的不切实际的炒作等等,尤其集中于近现代、当代名家作品上,使得原本就刚刚兴起的艺术市场风险性增大。这里除了有市场发展初期不可避免的机制不健全、投机分子作祟,拍卖等中介机构的不规范操作,也有收藏者与投资者的急功近利与投资的盲目性有关。 如何作好收藏与投资,我认为,首先要有健康而平和的心态;第二,要有专业的知识与修养把关;第三,要坚持艺术性与学术性相结合的原则;第四,合理分配资金,量力而行。鉴于目前市场的情况,不妨做些调整,选择优秀青年艺术家的好作品进行收藏与投资,这是一个合理而有效的途径,也可以从中体验到真正收藏与投资的乐趣。 Collection and investment of art there are many angles and ways: Some collect paintings, paintings, and some collection of modern and contemporary. There are collections of traditional, there are collections of avant-garde, but no matter what kind of collection, anyone wants at the most suitable price to get the best and most valuable work. After several years of radical development, China’s art market has entered a period of relatively calm integration. Some problems have also emerged and are in urgent need of solution. Such as the authenticity of the work, the unrealistic price speculation and so on, especially in modern and contemporary works of masters, making the already just emerging art market increased risk. In addition to the unavoidable mechanism of inefficiency in the initial stage of market development, irregular operations of speculators and auction agencies, quick success of collectors and investors is related to the blindness of investment. How to make a good collection and investment, I think, we must first have a healthy and peaceful attitude; second, we must have professional knowledge and self-discipline; third, we must adhere to the principle of combining artistic and academic; fourth, a reasonable allocation Funding, according to ability. Given the current market conditions, we may wish to make some adjustments and choose good works of outstanding young artists to collect and invest. This is a reasonable and effective way to experience the real enjoyment of collecting and investing.
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报道了管外和管内蒸气冷凝传热的强化管。其中,花瓣形翅片管是强化管外蒸气冷凝传热的最佳管型,交叉内螺旋翅片管则是强化管内蒸气冷凝传热的最佳管型。 Reported that the pi