
来源 :中国职工教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pp_dolphin
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在这辞旧迎新的喜庆日子里,谨向全国广大职工和工会干部致以崇高的敬意和诚挚的问候:祝大家新春快乐、家庭幸福!过去的一年,是极不平凡的一年。在以江泽民同志为核心的党中央领导下,我国采取有力措施,顶住亚洲金融危机的冲击;全党、全军、全国各族人民团结一致,英勇奋? In this holiday season, I would like to extend my highest respect and sincere greetings to the vast numbers of workers and trade unions throughout the country. I wish you all a happy New Year and a happy family! The past year has been an extraordinary year. Under the leadership of the party Central Committee with Comrade Jiang Zemin at the core, our country takes effective measures to withstand the impact of the Asian financial crisis. The entire party, the entire army and the people of all ethnic groups in the country are united and brave and enterprising.
一、问题的提出化学总复习阶段,在复习知识点的基础上,练习一定量的习题,使学生达到将所学知识转化为解题能力的目的是很有必要的。但在教学过程中,常遇到如下情况: 1.学生
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As state-owned aluminum plants including ChinaLCO and Yunnan Aluminum enjoy the benefits of direct power purchase, the private aluminum plants under great cost
本文作者对特定事件引致精神障碍 ,进行了司法精神医学法律关系的分析 ,并提出粗浅的以下见解 ,并供参考。1 资料1.1 一般资料 本文共 34例 ,其中男 9例 ,女 2 5例 ,男女