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如果你仔细留心周围人群,就会发现那些具有乐观性格,不知愁为何物的人大都精神抖擞,健康状况良好。他们的脸上总是神采飞扬,吃起东西来狼吞虎咽,他们也很少在人前诉说身体的不适或者埋怨疾病的折磨。而那些精神抑郁,长吁短叹者则不然,他们或脸色苍白,或食欲不佳,或是整天陷于某种病痛折磨而难能自拔…… 为什么情绪乐观的人健康状况会明显地好于悲观者呢?专家认为可能是与下列因素有关: 一是乐观者对未来有较好的预期,他们总是对生活充满希望和信心,因此心理状态趋于积极、稳定,机体内环境调节平衡能力较好。 二是乐观有助于提高机体免疫功能,对感染性疾病有较强的抵抗力。研究表明,乐观者机体中T细胞活力高,免疫调节机制更完善,在实际生活中,感染、喉痛、癌症的发病率在乐观人群中就比较少见,而在忧 If you look carefully at the people around you, you will find that those who are optimistic and have no worries are mostly energetic and in good health. Their faces are always filled with high spirits, eating something to vomit, and they are rarely told before the body discomfort or complain about the torture of the disease. Those who suffer from depression and long-sightedness are not, either pale or poorly appeased, or in pain and suffering all day long. Why the health of an optimistic person is significantly better than that of a pessimist? Experts believe that may be related to the following factors: First, optimists have better expectations for the future, they are always full of hope and confidence in life, so the psychological state tends to be positive and stable, the body better balance of environmental regulation. Second, optimism helps to improve immune function and has strong resistance to infectious diseases. Studies have shown that optimistic T cells in the body high activity, better immune regulation mechanism in real life, the incidence of infection, sore throat, cancer is optimistic in the crowd is relatively rare, and worry
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  Ionic liquids in the water can be divided into two-phase through the liquid-liquid extraction process using refrigerant to aqueous layer (under 300 ppm ILs)
  Biologically produced 1,3-propanediol is a promising materials because its application for bio-PTT (Poly(trimethylene terephthalate).However,in the biologic
从问题的描述看,估计是盆土通透性不好、积水造成的。这样根系呼吸不畅,引起生理性干旱,致使根系腐烂。如改用通透性强、保肥好并经充分腐熟的培养土栽培,即可解决。 From