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石漠化已成为威胁人类生存的三大生态灾害之一,对其成功治理有赖于人文成因的解明。西南地区石漠化的人类活动驱动力就是作用于自家承包地之上的农户经济行为。以重庆市南川地区为例采用实地测量和问卷调查相结合的方法采集了自然-人文组合式样品,建立了一个农户-生态经济模型。结果表明人地矛盾并没有想象的那样明显地推动了生态环境的恶化,而是农户对土地的依赖要比对土地的负荷产生的环境影响更大;在土地格局已经固定了的情况下贫困农户更加依赖土地,更会采用可持续的土地利用方式,因而其承包地的石漠化率反而偏低,颠覆了前人认为的贫穷是导致石漠化发生原因的观点;石漠化形成的表层原因是外出务工的离心力造成农户对土地的依赖程度的降低,而更深层次的原因是土地产权制度的不完善造成的土地对农户吸引力的减弱。 Rocky desertification has become one of the three major ecological disasters threatening human existence, and its successful governance depends on the explanation of the human causes. The driving force of human activities in rock desertification in Southwest China is the economic behavior of peasants acting on their contracted land. Taking Nanchuan area of ​​Chongqing Municipality as an example, a natural-human combination sample was collected by field survey and questionnaire survey, and a peasant household-eco-economic model was established. The results show that the contradiction between man and land is not as obvious as promoting the deterioration of the ecological environment, but the farmers rely more on the land than on the land load caused by environmental impact greater; in the land pattern has been fixed, the poor farmers Relying more on land and adopting more sustainable land use patterns, the rate of rocky desertification in its contracted areas is rather low, subverting the previous view that poverty is the cause of rocky desertification, and the surface layer of rocky desertification The reason is that the centrifugal force of migrant workers causes the farmers to reduce their dependence on the land, but the deeper reason is that the land attraction to the farmers is weakened due to the imperfect system of the land property rights.
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在人们应对全球化浪潮 ,透视这种全球的政治与经济相互渗透现象并力图揭示其本质的过程中 ,国际政治经济学逐步产生了 ,人们运用它对新的世界政治经济形势进行理论分析。本文
回 回 产卜爹仇贱回——回 日E回。”。回祖 一回“。回干 肉果幻中 N_。NH lP7-ewwe--一”$ MN。W;- __._——————》 砧叫]们羽 制作:陈恬’#陈川个美食 Back to yield
<正> 随着素质教育的不断深入,发展能力和智力已经成为教育界关注的重大课题。语文教学中的语言思维是能力和智力的集中体现,语文教学培养语言思维,提高学生的语言能力和思维