Early Warning Role of Data from Automatic Stations in Forecast of Dense Fog

来源 :气象与环境研究:英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lsj9
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Based on observation data from automatic stations in Lianyungang,visibility and weather situation of dense fog leading to a traffic accident in Lianyungang on April 15,2012 were analyzed firstly,and then changes of meteorological factors related to fog ap
摘要 针对目前中学无法精确测量易吸水、易溶于水、易与水起反应这几类不规则物体密度的问题,本实验设计将波义耳定律和密度公式结合,把传统的“排水法”测体积演变成“排空气法”测体积,并根据实验过程中导致误差的原因推导出新的密度计算公式。此外,用传感器采集数据,用两种方法分析数据。  关键词 波义耳定律;不规则物体;传感器;实验  中图分类号:G633.7 文献标识码:B  文章编号:1671—489X(
At present,peoples environmental awareness gradually enhances,and the environmental requirements on production and living continuously improve.Urban sewage di
摘 要 翻转课堂是一种新的教学模式,对这种教学模式在中小学校课堂教学中的应用问题进行探讨。  关键词 翻转课堂;网络课程;教学模式  中图分类号:G434 文献标识码:B  文章编号:1671-489X(2016)05-0082-02  1 前言  翻转课堂是一种新的教学模式,起源于美国的一个叫林地公园的高级中学。该学校有两位化学老师,分别是乔纳森·伯尔曼和亚伦·萨姆斯,他俩在讲课时使用了录屏软件
Urban sewage treatment facility is an important ways to control polluted domestic water. The operation of urban sewage treatment facilities is good or not, and
Based on the monitoring data of water quality of more than 40 centralized drinking water sources in 40 towns( townships or streets) of Kaixian County in the fir
Using CASA model,biomass within the Haihe River basin during 2002-2007 was estimated based on remote sensing images,corresponding data of temperature,precipitat