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杨树金花虫Parnops glasunowi Jacobs.在国内尚未见详细记载。1958年作者在豫东发现此虫为害杨树幼苗甚重,曾引起大量落叶,后来又在郑州、睢杞、仪封、内黄等地发现,并危害柳树和梨树。近几年来,豫东防护林带及郑州地区的杨树幼树,常受害成灾。 据郑州地区的观察,成虫每年4月底5月初开始出现,5月中旬至6月上旬为出现盛期,7月上旬逐渐绝迹。 成虫出现多集中在新萌发的杨树幼苗、孤立的幼树和林绿的新梢上活动危害,啃食近梢部的叶柄,常在近叶片处将叶柄咬去约2/3。1、2日内,剩下的1/3枯萎折断,叶片脱落,只留光秃的叶柄,放有“咬杷虫”之称。日久叶柄亦相继脱落,新梢呈现光杆,叶片落满地面。成虫除咬食叶柄外,还咬食叶片,常将边缘咬成缺刻或孔洞。成虫除危害杨树外,尚以同样方式危害柳树和梨树。随着气温的增高,至6、7月间,成虫多集中在林木的树冠或茂密的林丛中,白天活动,有假死性,稍受惊动即缩足下垂落地,急忙寻找隐蔽场所或展翅飞去。如在较高的树冠上下坠时,多不达地面即飞去。成虫交配甚繁,且时间较久。根据室内饲养观察,夜晚 Poplar Parnops glasunowi Jacobs. In the country have not yet seen detailed records. In 1958, the author found that this pest was very serious in the east of Henan Province. Poplar seedlings were very heavy and caused a large number of deciduous leaves. Later, they were found in Zhengzhou, Qiqi, Yifeng, Neihuang, etc. and endangered willow and pear trees. In recent years, Yungdong shelterbelts and poplar saplings in Zhengzhou have been victimized. According to the observation of Zhengzhou area, adults begin to emerge from the end of April to the beginning of May in each year, and peak from mid May to early June, and gradually disappear in early July. The adults were more concentrated in the newly germinated poplar seedlings, isolated saplings and green shoots on the activity hazards, eating near the tip of the petiole, often near the leaf petiole bite about 2 / 3.1, Within 2 days, the remaining 1/3 wilt broken, the leaves fall off, leaving bare petiole, put “bite the worm,” said. Perennial petiole also have come off, the new tip showing polished rod, leaves covered the ground. In addition to eating insects pests handle, but also bite the leaves, often bite into a nick or hole edge. In addition to endangering the poplar trees, the willows endanger willow and pear trees in the same way. As the temperature increases, to June and July, adults are more concentrated in the canopy of trees or dense forest, during the day activity, there is a lethality, a little scared that contraction feet drooping, hurried to find a hidden place or wings to fly . As in the higher crown fell, more than the ground that flew. Adult mating is very complicated, and for a long time. According to indoor keeping observation, night
在刚果的胶园,特别是在年中的某些季节,胶树的割面会出现一些溃疡性病变,这些病变在各方面都与由 PhytoPhthora Palmivora 这种疫霉菌引起的“黑紋病”、“条溃疡”相似。然
目的 :观察中药金甲王颗粒对吗啡依赖猴和大鼠戒断症状的抑制作用。方法 :采用吗啡依赖大鼠纳洛酮催促戒断、自然戒断模型以及吗啡依赖猴模型 ,观察金甲王颗粒对戒断症状的抑
顶梢卷叶虫(Spilonota lechriaspis Mey.)是我国苹果产区普遍发生的害虫,在河南、江苏、安徽等省黄河故道砂荒地区新发展的果园中,为害相当严重,无论结果树、幼树、苗木均遭