在过去的几年里,罗德与施瓦茨公司(Rohde Schwarz)成功地向中国销售了超过150台的DDF190数字式测向机。公司致力于开发中国市场,最近新成立了北京罗博施通信技术有限公司,以加强其在中国市场的售后服务并为客户提供更好的系统集成工作。RS公司一直以来,向中国市场提供
In the past few years, Rohde Schwarz successfully sold more than 150 DDF190 digital direction-finding machines to China. The company is committed to the development of the Chinese market and has recently established Beijing Lobosch Communication Technology Co., Ltd. to strengthen its after-sales service in the Chinese market and provide customers with better system integration work. RS company has been providing to the Chinese market