Implementing kinematics computation in FPGA co-processor for a 6-DOF space manipulator

来源 :High Technology Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:HUANJIAN666
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Based on the coordinate rotation digital computer(CORDIC)algorithm,the high-speed kinematicscalculation for a six degree of freedom(DOF)space manipulator is implemented in a field programmablegate array(FPGA)co-processor.A pipeline architecture is adopted to reduce the complexity and time-consumption of the kinematics calculation .The CORDIC soft-core and the CORDIC-based pipelined kine-matics calculation co-processor are described with the very-high-speed integrated circuit hardware descrip-tion language(VHDL)language and realized in the FPGA .Finally,the feasibility of the design is vali-dated in the Spartan-3 FPGA of Xilinx Inc.,and the performance specifications of FPGA co-processor arediscussed.The results show that time-consumption of the kinematics calculation is greatly reduced. Based on the coordinate rotation digital computer (CORDIC) algorithm, the high-speed kinematicscalculation for a six degree of freedom (DOF) space manipulator is implemented in a field programmablegate array (FPGA) co-processor. complexity and time-consumption of the kinematics calculation. CORDIC soft-core and the CORDIC-based pipelined kine-matics calculation co-processor are described with the very-high-speed integrated circuit hardware descriptive language (VHDL) language and realized in the FPGA. Finally, the feasibility of the design is vali-dated in the Spartan-3 FPGA of Xilinx Inc., and the performance specifications of FPGA co-processor are wasiscussed. The results show that time-consumption of the kinematics calculation is greatly reduced.
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[摘 要] 随着近年来国家政策的调整,升学率逐年提高。在越来越多的学生可以接受到高等教育的同时,也显现出一系列的弊端。学生的基础掌握程度良莠不齐,导致教学上出现了很多不可避免的问题。尤其在数学学科上表现得更为明显,这也使得数学教学课程的难度越来越大。主要阐述了分层教学的基本模式和对分层教学方法的策略研究。  [关 键 词] 高职数学;分层教学;教学方法  [中图分类号] G712 [文献标志码]