2002年12月22日12时,地处新疆准噶尔盆地的中国石油天然气股份有限公司司(简称中国石油)旗下的新疆油田分公司实现了年产原油1000万吨的目标,这一激动人心时刻的到来宣告了我国西部第一个千万吨大油田的诞生,实现了历史性的突破。 1955年10月29日,克拉玛依1号井喷出了工业性原油,克拉玛依成为新中国的第一个大油田,中国从此甩掉了贫油的帽子。经过近半个世纪克拉玛依几代石油人的卓绝努力,准噶尔盆地勘探开发取得了一系列重大
At 12:00 on December 22, 2002, the Xinjiang Oilfield Company, a unit of the China National Petroleum Company Limited (CNPC) in the Junggar Basin in Xinjiang, achieved the goal of producing 10 million tons of crude oil a year. This exciting time The arrival of the announcement of the birth of the first 10-million-ton oilfield in western China achieved a historic breakthrough. On October 29, 1955, Karamay No. 1 jetted industrial crude oil. Karamay became the first major oilfield in the People’s Republic of China. Since then, China has got rid of the oil-laden hat. After nearly half a century of hardworking generations of Karamay oil people, the Junggar Basin has made a series of significant exploration and development