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据舟山市水产研究所消息,备受国内水产界、科技界关注的舟山岱衢族大黄鱼人工育苗研究,2000年取得突破性进展。在舟山市水产研究所岙山试验基地,10月28日、29日连续两个晚上,大黄鱼亲鱼经人工促熟催产等技术措施,顺利收获受精卵30多万粒,并育成两毫米、细如发丝的大黄鱼苗约30万尾。据了解,目前全国各地养殖的大黄鱼均为福建鱼种,其性状、品质不如岱衢族大黄鱼。且从80年代中期至今,福建大黄鱼经十多代繁殖,性状退化,品质下降。岱衢族大黄鱼人工育苗,是国家科技部、省科委联合下达的重点攻关课题,由舟山普陀区科技兴海办公室和舟山市水产研究所共同承担,该市水产研究所具体负责实施。用岱衢族大黄鱼亲鱼培育的苗种,有望加快大黄鱼生长速度,改善体色、口味等。1999年上半年以来,该课题实施单位制订了各种采捕野生大黄鱼的方案和保活措施,先后组织下海捕捞38航次,共捕获大黄鱼200余尾。下一步,科研人员打算将岱衢族大黄鱼引入深水网箱养殖,同时建立岱衢族大黄鱼原种良种场,以保持岱衢族大黄鱼的优良性状。 According to the Zhoushan Fisheries Research Institute, much attention has been devoted to the artificial breeding of large yellow croaker of Zhoushan Daiqu from Zhoushan, which made a great progress in 2000. In Zhoushan City Fisheries Research Institute Dangshan test base, October 28, 29 for two consecutive nights, the big yellow croaker broodstock artificial stimulation and other technical measures, the successful harvest of fertilized eggs more than 30 million, and bred into two millimeters, fine Such as the big yellow croaker hair about 30 million. It is understood that at present all over the breeding of large yellow croaker are Fujian fish species, its character, quality as big Qu family big yellow croaker. And since the mid-1980s, Fujian yellow croaker has been breeding for more than a dozen generations, its traits degenerated and its quality declined. Daiqu population artificial breeding of big yellow croaker, is the key research topic jointly issued by the Ministry of Science and Technology, the provincial Science and Technology Commission jointly by the Xinghai Office of Zhoushan Putuo District Science and Technology and Zhoushan Fisheries Research Institute, the city Fisheries Research Institute specifically responsible for the implementation. With Daiqu family big yellow cichlid fish breeding, is expected to speed up the growth rate of large yellow croaker, improve body color, taste and so on. Since the first half of 1999, the implementing agencies of the project formulated various plans and measures to capture wild large yellow croaker, and successively organized 38 voyages to catch the sea and captured over 200 large yellow croakers. Next, the researchers intend to introduce the large Quchi yellow croaker cultured deep-sea cages, while the establishment of Daiqu tribal elite species breeding field, in order to maintain the elite Quailuhuang elves traits.
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