“耐克”人气新星 戴维斯

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看着这个男人在球场上的风光你真是无法理解:为什么他的活动范围能够如此之大、总是能够在最恰到好处的时候出现在最危急的位置,虽然最后尤文图斯没能捧得历史上第26座奖杯,可是每个人都对“老小姐”强硬的脊柱啧啧不已;荷兰国家队更是少不了这员强力工兵,他的积极和助攻、防守的平衡是橙色能否在7月覆盖整个欧洲大陆的保证。看着这个男人站在你面前的时候你更是无法理解:为什么“耐克”公司无视自己的死对头“阿迪达斯”全力签下诸多俊帅人气球星的事实,而力捧这个貌不出众的荷兰人,在近日亮相的“耐克群星即时战略”广告中,戴维斯的镜头多过了其中的任何一位大牌,这真是叫人摸不着头脑,他们甚至继“外星人”的 R9之后为戴维斯量身定做了 Air Zoom 90侧系带式的球鞋以方便他更好地继续他在球场上不倦地奔跑!在欧锦赛开赛之前,“耐克”公司专程请戴维斯到他们公司下设的“研究与开发中心”检验鞋的设计是否还存在着不足、是否能够与这位球星的贵脚完美地结合到一起。戴维斯在拿到专门为他设计的 Air Zoom90之后非常高兴地说:“我喜 You really can not understand the look of this man on the court: why his range of activities can be so great, always in the most appropriate place in the most critical position, although the last Juventus did not win history Twenty-sixth trophy, but everyone on the ”old lady“ tough spine endless; Dutch national team is ultimately the strong engineering, his active and assists, defensive balance is orange can cover in July The entire European continent’s guarantee. Look at the man standing in front of you when you are even more incomprehensible: Why ”Nike “ companies ignore their rivals ”Adidas “ sign the many handsome full-time star of fact, and force holding this looks out of the ordinary Of the Dutch, in the recent appearance of ”Nike Star real-time strategy “ advertising, Davis’s shot more than any one of these big, it is really confusing, they even following the ”aliens “After the R9 tailored for Davis Air Zoom 90 side lace-up shoes to facilitate him to better continue his tireless run on the pitch! Before the start of the European Championship, ” Nike The company made a special trip to Davis to their company under the “R & D Center” to test whether the design of shoes is still inadequate, whether with the star’s perfect fit together. Davis got the Air Zoom90 designed specifically for him after the very happy to say: "I am happy
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