Role of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus during the 2011 dengue fever epidemics in Hanoi, Vietnam

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhanxi581018
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Objective: To record the human cases of dengue fever(DF) and investigate the Aedes mosquito species circulating during the Hanoi 2011 DF epidemics. Methods: 24 different outbreak points were recorded in 8 districts between August and December 2011. Results: 140 patients were hospitalized following dengue diagnostic with a predominance of males(59.3%) and the 15-34 age class. Only DENV-1(11.27%) and DENV-2(88.73%) serotypes were detected in human samples. Mosquito sampling performed in and around patients households revealed the predominance of Aedes aegypti(95.15%) versus Aedes albopictus(4.85%). There is a positive correlation between the population density of Aedes aegypti and the number of human cases and duration of outbreaks. Conclusions: This was not observed for Aedes albopictus. 3 pools of Aedes aegypti were positive with dengue virus, two with DENV-1 and one with DENV-2. Objective: To record the human cases of dengue fever (DF) and investigate the Aedes mosquito species circulating during the Hanoi 2011 DF epidemics. Methods: 24 different outbreak points were recorded in 8 districts between August and December 2011. Results: 140 patients were hospitalized The following dengue diagnostic with a predominance of males (59.3%) and the 15-34 age class. Only DENV-1 (11.27%) and DENV-2 (88.73%) serotypes were detected in human samples. households revealed the predominance of Aedes aegypti (95.15%) versus Aedes albopictus (4.85%). There is a positive correlation between the population density of Aedes aegypti and the number of human cases and duration of outbreaks. Conclusions: This was not observed for Aedes albopictus. 3 pools of Aedes aegypti were positive with dengue virus, two with DENV-1 and one with DENV-2.
在烈日炎炎的亚利桑那大沙漠中,有一座普普通通的土坯小屋。小屋的主人就是举世闻名的研究死亡问题的专家伊丽萨白·库柏乐-罗斯。 进门一看,她的小屋简直成了蝴蝶的世界,她
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我主管年段的德育工作已有一年,在这一年里,我常常碰到师生冲突的场景。让人吃惊的是,不同班级,师生之间事由不同、性格不同,但冲突的方式竟然如此雷同,仿佛被统一培训过。比如,因为学生上课迟到、自修课讲话等,班主任就数落学生无组织、无纪律;然后历数学生的种种不是;最后,发现学生依然没有改进,甚至还有消极对抗的苗头,便怒不可遏。  其实,这些冲突完全可以避免,只要我们把握沟通的技巧,和学生进行有效的沟通,