Reading Passages

来源 :今日中学生(初一版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shermanx
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  “What’s the matter, Bob?”asked his mother.“Why do you look so sad?”
  “I don’t have anyone to play with,” Bob said.“Why don’t we just stay in Salt Lake City?I had friends there.”
  “You will soon make friends here,” said his mother.“Wait and see!”
  Just then there was a tap on the door. Mrs. Miller opened it.
  There stood a woman with red hair.
  “Hello,” she said,“I’m Mrs. Carey. I live next door.”
  “Come in.”Said Mrs. Miller.“Bob and I are so glad you came.”
  “I came to ask for two eggs,”said Mrs. Miller.“But do sit down.Let’s have coffee and talk a little.”
  That afternoon there was another tap on the door. Mrs. Miller opened it.
  There stood a boy with red hair.
  “My name is Tom Carey,”he said,“My mother sent you this cake and these two eggs.”
  “Why, thank you, Tom.”said Mrs. Miller.“Come in and meet my son Bob.”
  Tom and Bob were about the same age. Soon they were having cake and milk.
  “Can you stay and play with me?”asked Bob.
  “Yes, I can stay an hour.”Tom said.
  “Then let’s play ball,” said Bob.“My dog will want to get in the game,too.”
  Tom found it was fun to play with Trix. He had no dog of his own.
  “I’m glad you live next door,” said Bob,“Now I have someone to play with.”
  “Mother said we would soon be good friends,” Tom answered.
  “I’m glad your mother needed two eggs,”said Bob.
  Tom laughed.
  “Shedidn’t really need two eggs,” he said.“She just wanted to make friends with your mother.”
  Frank W. Woolworth was born in Rodman, New York, in 1852. His family were very poor farmers, and there was never enough to eat. Frank decided he wouldn’t be a farmer. He took a short business study, and went to work as a salesman in a large city.
  Woolworth learned a skill for displaying goods(货物) to make people be interested, but he soon learned something more important. One day his boss told him to sell some odds and ends(零碎的东西) for as much as he could. Frank put all these things on one table with a sign which said:Five Cents Each. People pushed to buy the things and the table was soon cleaned.
  Soon afterwards, Woolworth opened his own store, selling goods at five and ten cents. But he had another lesson to learn before he became successful. That is, if you want to make money by selling low price goods, you have to buy them in large quantities directly from the factories. Once Woolworth went to Germany and ordered for knives. The order was so large that the factory had to keep running 24 hours a day for a whole year. In this way, the price of the knives was cut down by half.
  By 1919, Woolworth had over 1,000 stores in the USA and Canada, and opened his first store in London. He made many millions and his name became famous all over the world. He always ran his business according to strict rules, of which the most important was: “The Customer is Always Right.”
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