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各州、市、县人民政府,各地区行政公署,省直各委、办、厅、局: 为贯彻外经贸部、海关总署《关于进一步发展边境贸易的补充规定的通知》(外经贸政发[1998]第844号),进一步巩固和发展同缅甸、老挝、越南的经贸合作关系,特作如下通知,请认真贯彻执行。一、关于进出口商品管理 (一)边境小额贸易企业(以下简称边贸企业)出口全国统一招标的商品和监控化学品及易制毒化学品,仍按现行规定向外经贸部授权的发证机关申领许可证;出口国家重点管理的商品,在外经贸部专项下达的出口配额内,由省周边局负责向边贸企业分配出口配额,省外经贸厅凭省周边局批准文件核发出口许可证,出境地海关凭许可证验放。 (二)边贸企业出口除国家重点管理商品、实行全国统一招标商品、监控化学品及易制毒化学品外,出口国家实行配额 The people’s governments of all states, cities, and counties, the regional administrative offices, the provincial committees, offices, offices, and bureaus: In order to implement the “Notice on Supplementary Provisions for Further Development of Border Trade” of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation and the General Administration of Customs (Foreign Economic and Trade Affairs) [1998] No. 844) to further consolidate and develop the economic and trade cooperation with Burma, Laos, and Vietnam, and make special announcements as follows. Please earnestly implement them. I. Management of Import and Export Commodities 1. Imports of commodities, control chemicals, and precursor chemicals that are uniformly exported to the border by small-scale border trading enterprises (hereinafter referred to as border trade enterprises) are still authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation in accordance with the current regulations. Institutions apply for licenses; within the export quotas issued by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, the exporting countries’ key management commodities are allocated by the provincial peripheral bureaus to the border trade enterprises, and the provincial foreign economic and trade agency issues export licenses according to the approval documents of the provincial peripheral bureaus. , Customs inspection abroad with a permit. (2) Excluding quotas from exporting countries, while border trade enterprises export goods except those that are under national key management, national uniform bidding products, chemical monitoring and precursor chemicals.
印尼、马来西亚和泰国是世界三个最大的天然橡胶生产国 ,产量占全世界总产量的80 %。但是 ,天然橡胶价格近来不断下滑 ,已从去年的每千克1.2美元下降到今年的0 .6美元。印尼工贸部
1995年10月14日,在北京国际展览中心举办了第六届国际航展。右图为中国航空工业总公司朱育理总经理在开幕式上讲话。 On October 14, 1995, the sixth International Airsh