The dynamic of professional knowledge utilized in software applications for process controlling

来源 :Advances in Manufacturing | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dfsdfdf
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Main objective of the presented paper is the examination of the professional knowledge used in intelligent software applications for process controlling.It concerns in particular the user instruction and the realization of corresponding interaction as well as the interface design.Regular approach for service of the different user groups is evaluated and extended in means of flexibility in the time.The rules decisive for the user interaction with the application are outlined.They represent the interdependency between quality of professional knowledge to be utilized and user group characteristics alter in time.An application scenario for knowledge visualization is presented to show the practicability of the concept developed. Main objective of the presented paper is the examination of the professional knowledge used in intelligent software applications for process control.It concerns in particular the user instruction and the realization of corresponding interaction as well as the interface design.Regular approach for service of the different user groups is evaluated and extended in means of flexibility the the time The rules decisive for the user interaction with the application are outlined.They represent the interdependency between quality of professional knowledge to be utilized and user group characteristics alter in time.An application scenario for knowledge visualization is presented to show the practicability of the concept developed.
若是生命将尽,在短暂的时间里,一些旧事会沿着枯井壁爬上来,人不需要物质世界所带来的欲望的肥皂泡,它们终将破碎,好似从未存在过,而有一种情感,简单却又让人铭记着——爱。生命不息,唯爱不止。  无论多么亲近的人也终将分离,这是生命给予了我们诸多而索回的一样东西,哪怕是孩子与父母,随着时间的推移,人终将离去,不会过去的,是血浓于水的爱。一位父亲用手扒开震后废墟救子的坚持;那位割肝救子的母亲的不辞辛劳;年
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