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如果有人问:“今年以来宁波最大的活动是什么?”很多人都会不假思索地回答:“浙洽会。”对了!是第3届浙江省投资贸易洽谈会。此次浙洽会无论是规模还是成果还是影响都给步入新世纪的宁波打下了深深的印记。规模空前,参会的国内外客商4500多人,市民参与不计其数;成果丰硕,项目签订约451个,总投资46.1亿美元,协议外资25.2亿美元,宁波在其中占了五成上下;影响深远,展示了港城开放新形象,激发出了人们对进一步开放的新热情……在浙洽会前夕,本刊编辑部曾召开专题会议商讨如何反映这次大活动。为了体现刊物的特色,避免与新闻媒体重复,深层次地反映此次浙洽会,编辑部决定选择“开放”这一话题,集中精力去体现、感受浙洽会带来的开放的氛围。果然,两位青年记者不负众望,马不停蹄地投进了浙洽会场馆、展厅、论坛及一切能够体现主题的角角落落,详实地记录了浙洽会中显现的开放的气息。尽管文章看起来有些散,还略显粗糙,但这是他们发自内心的感受,一种对开放的最直接、最真切感受。翻阅大部分新 If someone asks: “What is the biggest event in Ningbo since this year?” Many people will answer without hesitation: “Zhejiang Symposium.” Yes! It is the 3rd Zhejiang Province Investment and Trade Fair. The ZheJiang Fair, whether it is the scale or the achievement or the impact, has deeply impressed Ningbo who has stepped into the new century. With an unprecedented scale, more than 4,500 domestic and foreign businessmen attended the event, and citizens participated in countless numbers. The project achieved a great success with about 451 projects signed, with a total investment of 4.61 billion U.S. dollars and a contractual foreign investment of 2.52 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for 50% of the total. Far-reaching, showing a new image of Hong Kong opening up a new enthusiasm for further opening up people ... ... On the eve of the Zhejiang Qiaqia, editorial department had held a special meeting to discuss how to reflect this big event. In order to embody the characteristics of the publication and avoid duplication with the news media, this report will be deeply reflected in the Zhejiang Symposium. The editorial department decided to choose the topic of “openness” and concentrate on reflecting and feeling the open atmosphere brought by the Symposium . Sure enough, the two young reporters live up to expectations and non-stop into the Zhejiang Trade Fair venues, exhibition halls, forums and everything that can reflect the theme of the corner, a detailed record of the opening of the Symposium atmosphere. Although the article looks a bit loose, but also a bit rough, but this is their heartfelt feelings, a kind of the most direct and most real feeling of opening up. Read most of the new
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问:  我两岁时父母就离婚了,母亲带着我离开家乡,来到了现在所居住的城市生活。父母离婚后,我父亲没有给过一分钱抚养费,也从来没有来看过我。现在父亲65岁了,却要求我给他赡养费。我的生活负担也比较重,且父亲对我没有尽过任何抚养义务,我需要赡养他吗?  答:  赡养费和抚养费是两个不同的概念,法律并没有规定赡养父母的前提是父母一定要抚养过子女。之前你母亲没有代替你向你父亲主张抚养费,只能说明你母亲放弃
Hartnup综合征甚为罕见,现将我院治疗1例报告如下: 患者男,14岁。4岁起面部、四肢远端等暴露部位皮肤反复出现色素性皮疹,皮损早期充血发红,轻度浮肿,继之皮肤增厚变硬、干
Objective: To evaluate the sedative effect of Diospyros lotus L(D. lotus) extract in mice using the open field and Rota rod tests.Methods: For the sedative and