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中国制药企业怀着忐忑不安的心情,等待着新一轮降价方案的出台。经过1997年以来的十四次药品强制降价的冲击,医药工业元气大伤,许多企业,特别是民族医药工业的骨干企业,纷纷陷入微利甚或亏损的困境。第十五次降价信号尤如兜头一盆冷水,令整个制药行业不寒而栗。24家医药行业协会的紧急上书,反映了制药企业进退维谷的尴尬状况。其实,作为药品降价的真正受惠者,老百姓在经历了十四轮轰轰烈烈、大张旗鼓、高调宣扬的所谓降价风潮后,感觉上已经麻木了。每次降价之后,每次欢天喜地之后,都是医药费支出的快速增长,以至于“看病贵”与“上学贵”、“买房贵”一起,成为压在中低收入阶层身上的“新三座大山”。正如中国医疗卫生体制的改革“基本不成功”一样,以强制降价为特征的现行药品价格管理模式,也面临着种种不适应。因为患者没有得到实惠,民族医药工业的核心竞争力没有得到加强,医药工业不正常的发展环境没有得到改善。不能再依靠不生效的措施“以不变应万变”。面对转型期的复杂局面,面对市场经济的多样化利益格局,面对中国的特殊国情,管理企盼创新,改革企盼出新。 Chinese pharmaceutical companies with uneasy mood, waiting for the introduction of a new round of price cuts. After the fourteen drug coercive price cuts have taken place since 1997, the pharmaceutical industry has been severely damaged. Many enterprises, especially the backbone enterprises of the national pharmaceutical industry, have plunged into the dilemma of making profits or even losing money. The 15th price cut signal is like a pot of cold water, making the entire pharmaceutical industry shudder. 24 medical industry associations urgent letter, reflecting the dilemma of pharmaceutical companies advancing and retreating. In fact, as the real beneficiaries of the drug price cuts, the people feel numb after experiencing the soaring price wave of fourteen rounds of vigorous, high-profile and high-profile publicity. Every time after the price cuts, every joy, are the rapid growth of medical expenses, so that the “expensive” and “go to school expensive”, “buy expensive” together to become pressure on the low-income class who “new three Mountain”. Just as the reform of China’s health care system is “basically unsuccessful,” the current drug price management model characterized by forced price cuts is also facing various adaptations. Because the patients did not get the benefits, the core competitiveness of the national pharmaceutical industry has not been strengthened, and the abnormal development environment of the pharmaceutical industry has not been improved. Can no longer rely on measures that do not take effect “to keep things in order.” In the face of the complicated situation in the transitional period, in the face of diversified interests in the market economy, in the face of China’s special national conditions, management hopes for innovation and reforms expect for new things.
深化军队采购制度改革,是十五期间军队改革的一项重要任务。为了更好地贯彻总部关于军队物资、工程、服务采购制度改革精神,必须从宏观上加强军队采购的调节与控制。本文 D
3月15 日,在上海新国际博览中心一年一度的 SEMICON CHINA 上,半导体业界“巨 头”相聚上海。SEMICON CHIN 是由中国电子商会和 SEMI 主办的半导体制造技术的专业展会,本
睡眠进行到一半时,我听见  风吹叶落的声音,就起来  把门窗关紧。曾经拥有  和失去的,一并沉睡星辰之下  我耽于纯白色的梦境,并不急于  尋找出口  你看到的一切都是假象  静止是假象,圆满  是假象,堆积的雪  是假象,飞出的蝴蝶  (我的挣扎不可用海水斗量)  是假象一一  我只不过厌倦了守口如瓶  藉着一双翅膀  轻轻试探了一下  光明的重量