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《推动共建丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路的愿景与行动》明确提出:“共同推进跨境光缆等通信干线网络建设,提高国际通信互联互通水平,畅通信息丝绸之路。”当前全球正在迈向信息时代,“一带一路”沿线国家的互联互通离不开信息化,加强“一带一路”的信息基础设施建设,实现相关国家在数据信息服务、互联网业务和国际通信业务领域的互联互通,是建设“一带一路”的必然要求。一、畅通信息丝绸之路正当时信息丝绸之路提供的网络和信息服务,是全面支撑一国经济社会发展的战略性、基础性和先导性基础设施,是推动传统产业转型升级、促进经济结构战略性调整和提升国家信息化水 “Vision and Action for Promoting the Building of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road” clearly states: “We will jointly promote the construction of communication trunk lines such as cross-border optical fiber cables, enhance the level of interconnection and international communication and smooth the Silk Road for Information.” “At present, the world is moving toward the information age and the interconnection of countries along the Belt and Road is inseparable from informatization and strengthening the information infrastructure construction of the Belt and Road initiative to realize the cooperation between the relevant countries in data information services and Internet services And the interconnection and interoperability in the field of international communications services are the necessary requirements for building the ”Belt and Road". I. Unobstructed Information The Silk Road is a Timely Information Network and information services provided by the Silk Road are strategic, basic and precursor infrastructures that comprehensively support the economic and social development of a country. They are a strategy to promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries and the promotion of economic structure Sex adjustment and upgrading of national informatization water
对现有高职体育教育教学中存在的问题进行了分析,对适合高职院校、具有职业院校特色的体育课程体系进行了完整的设计,为高职体育课程教学改革提供了参考。 The existing pro
The diagnosis of early gastric cancer(EGC) is of great interest because its endoscopic and surgical treatment presents the best chance for a cure.With technical