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想点子是编辑的魅力所在,一个称职的编辑,往往能够吸引一批记者和通讯员在自己周周。他们的吸引力来自哪里?我在观察中发现,一个很重要的因素就是这些编辑脑袋中装有不少好、新、准、绝的“点子”,对记者、通讯员谈的情况,哪些值得一写,哪些需要补充,哪些要变换角度,他们都能说到“点子”上,叫记者、通讯员心服口服,愿意与他们交朋友,搭档配合。那么,是不是说编辑的水平就比记者高呢?记者和编辑只是分工不同,不存在谁水平高,谁水平低的问题。但是,作为编辑,正因为处于承上启下,内外结合的位置,相对地说,他对编辑部的编辑意图了解得多一些,对新闻价值和宣传价值的取向明确一些;相反,记者、通讯员在基层的时间多,对实际了解得多,掌握的新闻线索也比较多。二者各有所长,也各有所短。如果二者能够取长补短,有机结合,就能相得益 To get the idea is the editor’s charm, a competent editor, often able to attract a group of reporters and correspondents in their own week. Where do they come from? What I found in my observation is that a very important factor is that these editors have many good, new, accurate and “ideas” in their heads. What is worth to reporters and correspondents? Write, which need to be added, which should change perspective, they can talk about “ideas”, called reporters, correspondents convinced, willing to make friends with them, partners. So, does it mean that the level of editors is higher than that of journalists? There is no division of labor between reporters and editors, and there is no question of who is at a higher level and who is at a lower level. However, as editors, precisely because of their combined position, both internally and externally, he is relatively more interested in editorial editors’ intentions and has a clear view of news value and propaganda value. On the contrary, journalists and correspondents at grassroots level More time, more understanding of the actual, grasp of the news clues are more. Both have their own strengths, but also have their own short. If the two can learn from each other, organic combination, can benefit
为探讨膳食锌缺乏对仔鼠学习记忆能力及海马可塑性间的关系,作者观察了母鼠孕期轻度锌或孕期及哺乳期均轻度锌缺乏对仔鼠学习记忆能力及代表海马突触可塑性的长时程增强(long term potentiation,LTP)影响