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在全球“经济冬天”创造自己的“发展春天”人民论坛记者:本次十八大报告中,您印象最为深刻的是什么?作为企业界的代表、红豆集团的掌门人,结合当前形势和十八大对未来经济工作的部署和规划,红豆集团未来有怎样的发展规划?周海江:胡锦涛同志在十八大报告中强调:以经济建设为中心是兴国之要,发展仍是解决我国所有问题的关键。这表明了我党坚持以经济发展为中心的执政理念没有变,也表明我国仍处在经济发展机遇期的判断没有变。十八大报告坚定了我们红豆集团加快发展的信心。十六大以来,是红豆集团发展最好最快的十年,企业规模扩大了5倍。近年来,我们贯彻落实科学发展观,不断转型升级,优化发展方式,突破劳动用工、生态环境、土地使用等制约瓶颈,保持了25%以上增幅,去年销售收入351 In the global “economic winter” to create their own “development spring ” People’s Forum Reporter: What is your most impressive in this 18th National Congress report? As a representative of the business community, the head of the Hongdou Group, With the current situation and the 18th CPC National Congress on the deployment and planning of future economic work, what is the future development plan for the Hongdou Group? Zhou Haijiang: Comrade Hu Jintao emphasized in his 18th National Congress that economic development should be the key to rejuvenating the country and development It is the key to solving all the problems in our country. This shows that our party has adhered to the principle of taking the economic development as its core and has shown no change in the judgment that our country is still in an economic development opportunity period. The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party firmly strengthened the confidence of our Hongdou Group in accelerating development. Since the 16th CPC National Congress, Hongdou Group has enjoyed the best and fastest ten years in development and the scale of its business has expanded five times. In recent years, we have implemented the scientific concept of development, continuously transformed and upgraded, optimized the mode of development, and exceeded the bottlenecks restricting labor and employment, the ecological environment and land use, maintaining a growth rate of over 25%. Last year, our sales revenue reached 351
A 16-channel gated integrator(GI) module following semi-Gaussian shaping amplifiers was developed for high-resolution energy spectroscopy systems at Institute o
《明代文学复古运动研究》,廖可斌著。33.5万字。上海古籍出版社1994年12月出版。责任编辑:李祚唐。 明代文学复占运动是古典文学研究中最遭冷遇最受误解的对象之一,这一方面是由于受某种文学观念和简单化思维方式的影响,一方面也是对复古派和复古运动缺乏深入仔细的研究所致。廖可斌著《明代文学复古运动研究》则是一部还复古派本来面目的力作。
现将2002年度省冶金系统科技进步奖授奖项目及主要完成单位与主要完成人员名单公布如下。自公告之日起一个月内如无异议,项目授奖生效。 Now the 2002 provincial metallur