领会精神实质 凝聚军心士气——山西省长治军分区党委组织官兵认真学习胡主席“七一”重要讲话精神侧记

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连日来,山西省长治军分区党委认真组织官兵广泛开展学习贯彻胡主席“七一”重要讲话,采取集中培训、专题辅导、座谈交流等形式,原原本本研读讲话,逐一交流学习体会,相互进行启发提高,引导大家进一步领会精神实质,凝聚军心士气,把官兵学习焕发出来的政治热情转化为推动部队科学发展的不竭动力。追溯光辉历史,令人感同身受、倍加自豪;回顾伟大成就,使人倍受鼓舞、坚定信心;总结宝贵经验,给人启迪深省、耳目一新;展望未来征程,催人团结奋进、不辱使命。大家纷纷表示,一定要明确肩负责任,扎 Over the past few days, the party committee of the Shanxi Provincial Changzhi Military Region seriously organized the officers and men to carry out an important speech on studying and implementing Chairman Hu’s “July 1” campaign in a broad manner and took the form of intensive training, special counseling and informal exchange of opinions. Inspired to improve and lead us to further understand the essence of the spirit, unite the morale of the morale, the political enthusiasm glorified by officers and soldiers into a motivation to promote the scientific development of the armed forces. Tracing back to the glorious history, we feel empathy and pride ourselves. Looking back on the great achievements, we are encouraged and confident in our confidence. We have summed up our valuable experiences and inspired us to find new ways and new things. Looking forward, we will promote people’s progress in unity and forge ahead and fulfill their mission. We all said that we must clearly shoulder responsibility and tie
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