E-education Essay

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  This entry is filed under Examples and tagged e-education essay sample, free education essay example, sample education essay.So many things around us have been changed by development of technology of which education can’t help being an exception. Some kinds of technology have applied to education and one of products is the E-education which makes us be able to get education wherever and whenever we want to. This feature of E-education has given us many advantages. However, there is debate between online education and ordinary education due to some of concern such as technology of E-education and students’ responsibility for learning. Even though some problems have been found in E-education, it could be one of best way to get good quality education and supplement ordinary education because technology which supports online education keeps developing and there are a lot of good online course which offer good quality education.
  People who have question about E-education argue that online education is not good enough to provide high-quality materials by internet smoothly and it is sometimes hard to connect to internet. The other argument against E-education is if students can complete online education successfully without teachers’ care and attention. It is true that technology of online education might be one of problems, but problems of technology for E-education can be solved and already solved in some parts. For example, even though some people have concern about technology of E-education, that is not problem any more because ADSL and Cable Internet which are technologies for internet have been developing so fast and companies which are using these technologies such as Road Runner and Direct TV have become very popular; the internet service is fast enough to support streaming motion picture and students can even see each other on internet by web-cam now. As a result, students’ learning is not interrupted by cutting internet connection or slow internet service. The argument that students could not complete online course successfully is understandable, but there are many students who have done online courses very well without teachers’ attention. Students in E-education can participate in online discussion and communicate with teachers, so they might feel as if they are taking ordinary class. students with those enrolled in the traditional program and found that the online students scored higher. Even though students need a lot of responsibility for learning, many students have done online courses very well.
  Supporters of online education argue that online education is as effective as ordinary education or even better. The reason why online education can be effective is that E-education has not only visual effect but also audio effect which makes instruction more effective. Online education has started providing face-to-face interaction which makes interaction between students and teachers more effective by computer communication technology. In my case, when I learn something with visual and audio effects, I remember for long time and understand easily than when I use only text. Moreover, online education is more effective when class is large. In large class, interaction between students and teachers is really rare; however, number of students is not problem at all in online education. Thus, it is sure that online education can provide effective instruction to students.
  In conclusion, E-education has to be kept going although some people have concern about it. The reason for support of E-education is that there are many good universities and companies that provide high-quality online courses and technology of E-education becomes good enough to support those courses, so students in online course are able to learn effectively as well as students in ordinary class. E-education is one of good way to supplement ordinary education.
【摘 要】中学地理学科有其特殊性,在高三地理一轮复习中学生一般会遇到一些困惑,本人结合自己多年的教学实际,总结了2012年高三地理中的五大复习策略,期望能帮助学生提高复习效率。  【关键词】高三地理 复习 策略    不知不觉中,让考生恐怖、窒息的高三生活已经开始了,各个学科都进入了紧锣密鼓的复习之中。地理在高考文科综合中具有特殊的地位,它是一门又文又理的学科,很多内容尤其是自然地理部分要
【摘 要】本文主要阐述了汽车的挡风玻璃、观后镜、头灯、雾灯、刹车灯、尾灯等部件的设计所运用的光学知识,通过对这些部件所用光学原理的深度剖析,使我们更加全面的认识了解这些部件设计原理。  【关键词】光学知识 汽车挡风玻璃 观后镜 头灯 尾灯    作为一名物理老师,总是经常听到学生说物理科目很难学。究其原因,物理科目理论性强,学生学习起来的确有一定的难度。但我认为还有一个很重要的原因
【摘 要】实施素质教育的核心是培养学生的创新意识和创新精神。在初中物理课堂教学中,教师要注重培养学生创新意识和提高创新设计能力,促进他们全面发展。本文建议从认真开发校本课程、着力培养创新能力、不断创新教学方法和广泛开展实践活动等方面培养他们的创新思维。  【关键词】初中 物理 课堂教学 创新思维    知识经济是以知识创新为动力的经济。实施素质教育的核心是培养学生的创新意识和创新精神。
【摘 要】本文主要针对中职学校生源质量差,汽修专业大多都是男生且难管理,学习氛围不浓,课后基本很少学生进行复习的状况提出意见,面对新情况,中职学校汽修专业教师应制定切合学生实际的教学方法,激发学生学习兴趣,以提高汽修专业教学质量。  【关键词】教育观念 课堂教学 教学质量    随着民办中职学校的增多和普通高中的扩招,中职学校招生竞争大、招生难的问题日益显现。为抢生源中职学校对生源质量几乎