上海科普大讲堂第11讲 化学的研究与服务创新——科普大讲堂专家谈化学

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自然界中的物质时时刻刻都在发生着变化,人类从学会用火之时就开始了用化学方法认识和改造天然的物质,随着科学的发展,化学学科对人类知识的进步、环境保护和知识发展做出了重要的贡献。为了纪念化学学科所取得的成就,以及对于人类文明的贡献,联合国将2011年定为国际化学年,本期主题是:化学——我们的生活、我们的未来,从生物化学、绿色化学和化学工业的创新三个视角带领大家共同感受化学的神奇。 The material in nature changes constantly from moment to moment. When human beings learned to use fire, they began to recognize and transform the natural substances by using chemical methods. With the development of science, chemistry has made great contributions to the improvement of human knowledge, environmental protection and Knowledge development has made an important contribution. In commemoration of the achievements made in chemistry and its contribution to human civilization, the United Nations set 2011 as the International Year of the Chemistry. The topics of this issue are: Chemistry - Our Life, Our Future, From Biochemistry, Green Chemistry and Chemistry Three aspects of industrial innovation to lead everyone to feel the magic of chemistry.
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