提高抗灾能力 夺取棉花丰产

来源 :陕西农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caesarm4
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我省棉花产量低而不稳,一个重要的原因是抗灾能力差。遇到大灾大减产,小灾小减产,没有掌握抗灾的主动权。影响棉花生产的主要灾害一是干旱,根据24年来的气象资料分析,伏内旬降雨量在10毫米以下的伏旱年份共17年,秋后阴雨低温年份占70%。伏旱对旱地棉花影响很大。全省200万亩旱地棉花,解放后有13年因伏旱亩产在35斤以下,伏旱对水地棉花也有影响。7月下旬,8月上旬我省常出现35℃以上的高 Low and unstable cotton production in our province is an important reason for the poor resilience. In the face of great catastrophe, small catastrophe and small-scale production, there is no initiative to deal with the disaster. The first major disaster affecting cotton production is drought. According to the 24-year meteorological data, there are 17 years of drought in a year with less than 10 mm of rainfall in the interior of the volt and 70% of the year in the rainy and colder months of autumn. Summer drought has a great impact on dry cotton. The 2000000 acres of dry cotton in the province, after the liberation of 13 years because of the loss of volcanic output in less than 35 pounds, the drought has also affected cotton water. In late July, early August, our province often appears above 35 ℃ high
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