民族制药企业的难事(之二) 被监管技术革新灼烧的心——民族制药企业的切肤之痛

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正如历史的更新换代,每一次变革都伴随着一场令人心悸的陨落。1998年,GMP在全国首度施行,国内制药企业哀鸿遍野;2011年,随着电子监管码的全面监管,新版GMP的相继出台,民族制药企业再次被推入技术变革的滚滚洪流,在国际药品安全形势的激流勇进中,等待他们的或是大浪淘沙或是半途的折戟沉沙。新版GMP的现实困境“新版GMP,只花1000万的几乎找不到,花数千万的也为少数,花上几亿一点都不稀奇。”这是中国医药企业管理协会会长于明德对新版GMP投入情况的概括。虽然药企能理解政府对药品安全生产 As the history of the replacement, every change is accompanied by a heart-throb fall. In 1998, GMP was implemented for the first time in the whole country, and the domestic pharmaceutical enterprises went through a lot of grievances. In 2011, with the full supervision of the electronic regulatory code and the release of the new version of GMP, the national pharmaceutical enterprises are once again pushed into the tide of technological change, The torrent of the situation courageously into the middle, waiting for them or the Ebb Tide or half-dozen halt. The reality of the new GMP dilemma “The new version of GMP, only spent 10 million almost can not find it, spend tens of millions are also a minority, spend hundreds of millions is not surprising. ” This is the China Pharmaceutical Enterprise Management Association Matilda on the new GMP investment situation summary. Although pharmaceutical companies can understand the government’s safe production of drugs
There is an ancient,a mysterious branch of the Zhuang nationality that lives simply and peacefully in a stretch of mountains on China’s southwestern frontier.T
我院1988年以来,采用大剂量阿托品抢救经消化道急性有机磷中毒病人44例,取得了明显的疗效。现报告如下。 Our hospital since 1988, the use of high-dose atropine rescue
目的:研究糖心安(TXA)对糖尿病心脏病(Diabetic Cardiopathy,DC)的作用及其相关的作用机理。方法:将大鼠随机分组,10只作为对照组,其余用高糖高脂乳剂连续灌胃28天,然后一次