“数学无所不在,无处不用”(著名数学家华罗庚语).大家都喜爱体育运动,观看体育比赛.体育运动中蕴藏着许多数学问题,下面举几例以体育比赛为实际背景的排列组合问题说明一下,供读者参考. 例1 划船队里有10名运动员,其中2人只会划左舷,3人只会划右舷,其余5人既会划左舷,又会划右舷.现在要从这10人中选出6人上船,每舷3人,参加比赛,那么共有多少种方案可选? 解析根据2人只会划左舷进行分类:第
“Mathematics is omnipresent and everywhere is not used” (famous mathematician Hua Luogeng). Everyone loves sports and watch sports. There are many mathematical problems in sports. Here are some examples of the arrangement and combination of sports games as practical background. For example, there are 10 athletes in the rowing team, of which 2 will only draw on the port side, 3 will only draw on the starboard side, and the remaining 5 will draw on the port side and the starboard side. Now from these 10 people Six people were selected to go on board, and each side of the boat will participate in the competition. How many options are available? The analysis will be based on the fact that two people will only sort on the port side: