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通过对近几年来我国宏观经济变化特点的分析,不难发现法定存款准备金率是央行对宏观经济进行调控使用最为频繁的基本工具,这就使得不少专家学者开始重新思考我国央行的货币政策行为。本文主要采用了事件研究法来具体分析存款准备金率对股票市场是否存在影响关系,通过实证结果判断产生异常报酬率的可能性,并进一步分析央行调整准备金率的事件是否会对股票价格产生影响,使其发生波动。 Through the analysis of the characteristics of China’s macroeconomic changes in recent years, it is not difficult to find that the statutory deposit reserve ratio is the most frequently used basic tool used by the central bank to regulate and control the macro-economy. This has led many experts and scholars to rethink the monetary policy of the central bank behavior. This article mainly uses the event research method to specifically analyze whether the deposit reserve ratio has an impact on the stock market. The empirical results determine the possibility of abnormal returns and further analyze whether the central bank’s adjustment of the reserve ratio will have an impact on stock prices Influence, make it fluctuate.
用熔融法制备了Tb3+/Eu3+共掺的硼酸盐玻璃,研究了Tb3+、Eu3+共掺的硼酸盐玻璃的发光性能.结果表明,Tb3+/Eu3+共掺的硼酸盐玻璃的最强激发峰位于393 nm,最强发射峰是位于612
Security tools are rapidly developed as network security threat is becoming more and more serious. To overcome the fundamental limitation of traditional host-ba
本文对我院自1998年6月至2001年6月来就诊的960例颅脑损伤患者的脑电图(EEG)分析如下,以探讨其对本病的诊断意义。 In this paper, our hospital from June 1998 to June 2
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采用水热-热解法制备了Ce3+掺杂的Y3Al5O12∶Ce3+黄色荧光粉.研究发现水热-热解法的烧结温度为1 200℃,比高温固相法的烧结温度降低了300℃,该荧光粉是激发峰和发射峰分别位