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儿童文学一直处于边缘地位,对于儿童文学的翻译也不被大多数学者所青睐。但是笔者认为,随着儿童文学地位的提升,对儿童文学的翻译也应该给予相当的重视。本文选取美国著名的儿童文学小说《秘密花园》作为研究对象。女作家弗朗西斯·伯内特一生创作了五十多部小说和戏剧,其中《秘密花园》十分著名,伯内特笔下的小女孩不同于传统的女孩形象,她性格坚强勇敢,虽然命运崎岖,但是坚强的性格以及男孩般的忍耐力,小女孩在最后获得了幸福生活。本文通过女性主义视角对《秘密花园》的两个中译本进行对比研究。这两个译本分别为女性译者许虹、汪莹,男性译者李文俊。从译者性别出发,本文从词汇、语气和性别分别对两个译本进行探索研究。对比发现,两位译者在遣词造句,对于男性形象、女性形象等层面的翻译都凸显出了性别因素的影响。女性译者许虹、汪莹受到了女性主义翻译理论的影响,她们在翻译时会通过改变个别词或者调整语序等温和的翻译策略来凸显自己的女性身份。同为女性,她们对于原文中女性因素更加敏感,更能体会原作者的意图。此外,她们的翻译也更准确,尤其是对于一些女性经验的描述。相反,男性译者由于受到传统男权主义思想的影响,在他们的作品中大多表现出了性别歧视和厌女情结,他们的遣词造句也会有意无意的贬低女性。由此看出,性别是一个很重要的影响翻译的因素,译者的性别意识不仅能够影响其对原作本身的理解,还会影响译者选词以及表达方式。 Children’s literature has always been marginalized, and translation of children’s literature is not favored by most scholars. However, in my opinion, with the promotion of children’s literary status, considerable attention should be paid to the translation of children’s literature. This article selects America’s famous children’s novel “Secret Garden” as the research object. The author of the novel, Francis Burnett, has written more than 50 novels and plays throughout her life. Among them, Secret Garden is very famous. Burnett’s little girl is different from the traditional girl. Her personality is strong and courageous. Although her fortune is rugged, Strong character and boy-like endurance, the little girl finally got a happy life. This article compares the two Chinese versions of Secret Garden through the perspective of feminism. The two translations are female translators Xu Hong, Wang Ying, male translator Li Wenjun. Starting from the translator’s gender, this article explores two versions separately from vocabulary, tone and gender. The comparison shows that the two translators exert their influence on the translation of male and female images at the level of gender. Female translators Xu Hong and Wang Ying are influenced by feminist translation theories. When translating, females translate their own femininity by changing individual words or adjusting their sequence of translations. As females, they are more sensitive to female factors in the original text and better understand the original author’s intention. In addition, their translations are more accurate, especially for some women’s experiences. On the contrary, because of the influence of the traditional male-dominated thoughts, male translators showed mostly sexism and misogyny in their works. Their transliteration of sentences also intentionally or unintentionally demeans women. From this we can see that gender is a very important factor that affects translation. The translator’s gender awareness can not only affect his or her understanding of the original, but also influence the translator’s choice of words and expressions.
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