Flawers of the Sun

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I was not a flower lover when I was a little girl. Instead, I spent my days mixing with the “mischievous” boys in the neighborhood; my favorite toys were wooden sticks which I imagined to be guns. I guess part of the reason for my unusual behavior goes to the influence of my father serving in the army and China was undergoing the Cultural Revolution. Then all things beyond bare necessity were categorized as bourgeois extravagance. How could a prole-tariat offspring come to love flowers, which I was not a flower lover when I was a little girl. I spent my days mixing with the “mischievous” boys in the neighborhood; my favorite toys were wooden sticks which I imagined to be guns. I guess part of the Reason for my unusual behavior goes to the influence of my father conduct in the army and China was undergoing the Cultural Revolution. Then all things beyond bare necessity were categorized as bourgeois extravagance. How could a prole-tariat offspring come to love flowers, which
国务院总理温家宝和中央军事委员主席江泽民日前签署命令,批准公布我国民用运力国防动员的第一部行政法规——《民用运力国防动员条例》。 记者:请您谈一谈制定《民用运力国
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2000年7月从师专毕业后,热血沸腾的我离开河南洛阳家乡独自到上海创业。  几经周折,我成了一家日用品公司的营销员,主要负责向超市和商店推销公司生产的卫生巾、卫生棒。自己在近两年的“扫店”生涯中,唯一的收获就是逛遍了大上海的每个角落,哪个区哪条街上有多少超市和商店我都烂熟于心。  2002年7月,一位老乡说,她想在上海开一家个性服饰店,专门经营倍受白领女性青睐的手绘T恤、手绘包等。听说我对这座城市
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