加强作风建设 创优发展环境

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为进一步提高领导干部的履职能力和工作水平,促进经济社会又好又快发展,我们从去年6月份开始在全县集中开展了以比学习、比奉献、比廉洁、树形象和提升干部素质、提升精神风貌、提升执行能力、提升工作效率、提升落实水平为目的的“三比一树五提升”主题教育活动,为全县的转型跨越发展创造了一个良好的政治环境和社会环境。一、主题教育活动是推动神池发展的有效载体一是提高了思想认识。在系统学习理论的过程中,通过深入基层、调查研究和具体的实践活动,各级干部从理论和实际的结合上,深刻认识和把握了主题教育活动的深刻内涵和精神实质。由此形成了这样一些共识:开展主题教育活动,必须落实在争先发展、 To further improve the ability of leading cadres to perform their duties and work standards and to promote the sound and rapid economic and social development, we started in June last year in the county to focus on learning more than dedication, honesty, integrity, image and quality of cadres , Enhance the mental outlook, enhance the implementation capacity, improve work efficiency, enhance the level of implementation for the purpose of “three to one tree five upgrade” theme education activities for the county’s transition across the development has created a good political and social environment . First, the theme of educational activities is to promote the development of God’s effective carrier First, improve the ideological understanding. In the process of system learning theory, cadres at all levels have profoundly understood and mastered the profound connotation and spiritual essence of theme education through in-depth grassroots work, investigation and research and concrete practical activities. This has led to the following consensus: Carrying out thematic educational activities must be implemented in the first place,
Charles Lutwidge Dodgson(27 January 1832—14 January 1898),better known by the name Lewis Carroll,was an English author, mathematician,logician and photographer
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