The 650-nm variable optical attenuator based on polymer/silica hybrid waveguide

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dingdang19822003
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Visible light variable optical attenuators(VOA) are essential devices in the application of channel power regulation and equalization in wavelength-division multiplexing cross-connect nodes in plastic optical fiber(POF) transmission systems.In this paper, a polymer/silica hybrid waveguide thermo–optic attenuator based on multimode interference(MMI) coupler is designed and fabricated to operate at 650 nm. The single-mode transmission condition, MMI coupler, and transition taper dimensions are optimized through the beam propagation method. Thermal analysis based on material properties provides the optimized heater placement angle. The fabricated VOA presents an attenuation of 26.5 dB with a 21-mW electrical input power at 650 nm. The rise time and fall time are 51.99 and 192 μs, respectively. The time–stability measurement results prove its working reliability. Visible light variable optical attenuators (VOA) are essential devices in the application of channel power regulation and equalization in wavelength-division multiplexing cross-connect nodes in plastic optical fiber (POF) transmission systems. This paper, a polymer / silica hybrid waveguide thermo -optic attenuator based on multimode interference (MMI) coupler is designed and fabricated to operate at 650 nm. The single-mode transmission condition, MMI coupler, and transition taper dimensions are optimized through the beam propagation method. Thermal analysis based on material properties provides the optimized VOA presents an attenuation of 26.5 dB with a 21-mW electrical input power at 650 nm. The rise time and fall times are 51.99 and 192 μs, respectively. The time-stability measurement results show its working reliability
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